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Intro to digital technology

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1 Intro to digital technology
Visual programming Intro to digital technology

2 Key terms Bug – errors in computer programming
Class - defines a particular kind of object Debug – troubleshooting to determine the cause of problem in computer programming. Debugger – a programming utility that helps programmers test and correct a computer program. Method – a segment of program code that defines how to perform a specific task

3 Key terms (continued) Object – a discrete piece of code describing a person, place, thing, or object Inheritance - the passing on of certain characteristics from one class to other classes Program – a list of statements or actions to accomplish a task in a computer program Sprite – objects that perform actions in a project Method – a segment of program code that defines how to perform a specific task Storyboard – a plan to organize the development of process of a specific object

4 The Programming Process
Step one requires that you understand the program. Step two involves planning the logic. Step three entails coding the program. Step four requires the programmer to translate the program in to machine language. Step five involves testing the program to make sure it works. Step six entails putting the program into production.

5 The Programming Process (continued)
1. Analyze: Define the problem. 2. Design: Plan the solution to the problem. 3. Choose the interface: Select the objects (text boxes, buttons, etc.). 4. Code: Translate the algorithm into a programming language. 5. Test and debug: Locate and remove any errors in the program. 6. Complete the documentation: Organize all the material that describes the program.

6 What is alice? Named in honor of Lewis Carroll’s (pen name) Alice in Wonderland Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was also a mathematician and logician A modern programming tool purpose of tool - learn how to program, write algorithms 3-D graphics 3-D models of objects Animation Objects can be made to move around virtual world (a simulation or a video game. Simple Pixar.)

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