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The last time they visited Earth Dusty found out how

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1 The last time they visited Earth Dusty found out how
to write something called a non-chronological report. SAMPLE SLIDE Dusty Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show Pod Keep clicking and you can find out what Dusty learned.

2 Dusty knew that that he couldn’t write about all the animals he’d seen, but he could write about two or three of them. He’d seen a creature called a hedgehog so he decided he’d write about hedgehogs. SAMPLE SLIDE hedgehog Scotland Dusty Ireland Wales England Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

3 First, Dusty made some notes to help him to decide what to write in his report. He thought he’d write down lots of interesting facts then he’d decide what to put in his report. ? SAMPLE SLIDE Dusty Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

4 When they roll into a tight ball only their spines are exposed.
Hedgehogs When they roll into a tight ball only their spines are exposed. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show If hedgehogs are attacked they will curl into a prickly and unappetizing ball that puts most predators off. They usually sleep in a ball during the day and wake up to search for food at night.

5 Helping Hedgehogs Survive
He also knew ….. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show Each sentence must give my friends information and facts about hedgehogs and all the facts need to be correct. What is a hedgehog? Hedgehogs in Danger Helping Hedgehogs Survive SAMPLE SLIDE Dusty

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