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The Story of the Peppered Moths

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of the Peppered Moths"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of the Peppered Moths

2 A long time ago in a kingdom far far away there was a beautiful forest of trees where moths lived and flourished. OK… it wasn’t so long ago or really that far away. It was in England in the 1800’s…..

3 The forest was filled with trees.

4 On the trees lived moths.

5 The birds liked to eat the moths
The birds liked to eat the moths. The dark moths were easy to see and eat.

6 Over time there were fewer dark moths.

7 BUT THEN… factories in England started putting out smoke.

8 The smoke covered the trees making them darker.

9 Now the birds could see the white moths better.

10 Over time…the black moths again became more plentiful.

11 BUT WAIT…. This isn’t the end of the story….

12 The factories got cleaned up and the trees returned to normal

13 How do you think the story ended for the moths?

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