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By: Eli Dales, Ian Tai, Jamie Mac Kay, and Seho Bann

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1 By: Eli Dales, Ian Tai, Jamie Mac Kay, and Seho Bann
Hinduism By: Eli Dales, Ian Tai, Jamie Mac Kay, and Seho Bann

2 Basic Beliefs of Hinduism
The goal is to realize their nature, and what their purposes are. They believe the world is an illusion, and to discover who they really are, they need to detach themselves from the five senses that deal with the material world. Everyone has a soul and are all equal It is believed that gods sometimes take human form to help those in need Believe in freedom of choice, and KARMA

3 The Origins of Hinduism
Hinduism is such an old religion that the exact origins of it are unclear. However there are theories: Hinduism originated in India Wasn’t created by just one person It came from Brahmanism, which is a religion that only believes in one god, who is Brahma, the god of creation.

4 The Important Traditions and Symbols
Worshipping the gods at dawn by the family shrine Lighting a lamp, and offering food to the gods Reciting scriptures, and singing hymns Religious pilgrims travel to shrines in sacred places in India Celebrates many holy days, feasts, and festivals related to Hinduism (ex: Divali is the festival of lights, where people who believe in Hinduism light lamps, and set off fireworks.) Hindus believe that rivers are important symbols to Hinduism, because they believe that it has purifying properties. (ex: Ganges River)

5 The Gods There are 330 million deities
It is believed that the gods sometimes took human form to help the poor. The main gods in which the Hindus believe in is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma: god of creation Vishnu: god of preservation Shiva: god of destruction

6 Importance of Hinduism Today
It is the world’s third largest religion of the world. It is a religion on which over 950 million people in believe in today Hinduism provides a community for those who believe in it, making different races come together.

7 Hinduism in Places Around the World
Hinduism is Practiced in… India Tobago Nepal Bangladesh Sri Lanka Pakistan United States Great Britain Malaysia

8 Races/Cultures Associated
Mostly all Indians around the world believe in Hinduism. However other people who are not Indian in countries such as Nepal, and Bangladesh believe in Hinduism. People believe that in the future, more people will believe in Hinduism.

9 Clothing Hindu women wear a clothing called a sari. A sari is a 5-6 yard long piece of colourful fabric that is draped around the body. Hindu men wear Sherwans. It is a knee-length coat like clothing worn tightly around the body.

10 History Hinduism is believed to have been first introduced around BCE in India. It was influenced at one time when light skinned nomadic Aryan Indo European tribes invaded North India and corrupted the traditions, and cultures of the religion. It contains ideas from many religions including Vedism, and Brahmanism Oldest form of Hindu scripture: Veda People of this religion made many places the sacred lands of gods of Hinduism over the years. The most famous one is the Ganges River.

11 Bibliography Books: Renoue, Louis, ed. Hinduism. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1961. Cranny, Michael. Pathways Civilizations through Time. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada Inc., 1998. Magazine: Stevenson, John “Welcome to Pakistan” inTime 1 June. 2007: 12-21

12 Bibliography (continued)
Sites: (online informational article about Hinduism)

13 Thank You

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