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Preparing a Title List to send to Bibliographic Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing a Title List to send to Bibliographic Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing a Title List to send to Bibliographic Services

2 Open the Excel Program and find the Titlelist.xls file

3 In the top row Type your School Name, Date and Box # ABC Library 1/9/09 1

4 Leave the column Received blank and begin recording your first title and author book entry From tadpole to frogSlade, Suzanne If the book is Reference, Professional or Audio Visual please note this in the Ref/Prof/AV column If the book is a Donation or Preview book please note this in the Donation/Prev column RefDon

5 Enter the titles that will be shipped to Bib Services found in this box

6 If you have more than 30 titles and need more lines for your list, left click and hold the bottom right hand corner (fill handle) of the last number cell (A30) and drag your mouse down to the required number needed If you type line numbers they will not appear in numerical order when the titles are sorted

7 You will need to sort the list when you are finished typing Highlight your list by left clicking the top left corner (A3) dragging your mouse to the lower right corner (in this case F11)

8 From the Data Selection choose Sort The Sort by should say Title – Ascending. Click OK

9 If you wish you can remove any additional numbered lines by highlighting them and hitting the delete button

10 You are now ready to begin printing. From the File selection choose Print Select your local printer and click OK

11 Your list is finished! Add to your box of titles and ship off to Bib Services

12 Please include an alphabetically title sorted list of books with each shipment you send If your list includes multiple boxs : Note this in the Box # area (top right corner) Box# 1-5 If the list covers multiple boxes you do not need place a copy of the list in each box. Please put the list in the first box #1 Thank you for your cooperation!

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