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Building Capacity on Protected Areas Law & Governance

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1 Building Capacity on Protected Areas Law & Governance
Module 8 Exercise 1 Conveying Understanding of Basic Principles and Concepts of Connectivity Conservation Connectivity Conservation - Intro

2 Background Purpose Structure
Enable Learners to entrench their understanding of basic principles and concepts of connectivity conservation. Improve Learners’ capacity to explain basic principles and concepts of connectivity conservation to others. Provide Learners with an opportunity to illustrate their understanding of basic principles and concepts of connectivity conservation to others and enhance their communication skills. Structure Introduction to exercise (suggested time allocation, 5 minutes) Individual work (suggested time allocation, 30 minutes) Partner work (suggested time allocation, 30 minutes) Joint class discussion (suggested time allocation, 55 minutes) NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Briefly explain the purpose of the exercise. Briefly explain the structure of the exercise.

3 1st Part of the Exercise Reflect on the explanations and discussion of these concepts in the seminar presentation. Refer to the list of definitions and descriptions of basic landscape ecology concepts that apply to connectivity conservation. Produce a drawing or diagram that illustrates at least three of these concepts. The drawings or diagrams may be based on actual examples from the Learners’ own countries or jurisdictions or may be hypothetical. NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Distribute to each Learner: A copy of Annexure A – Definitions and Descriptions of Basic Landscape Ecology Concepts that Apply to Connectivity Conservation Paper. The paper may be any size that is appropriate for the facilities available at the venue of the course and the number of Learners.

4 2nd Part of the Exercise Each Learner will be paired with another Learner. Each Learner/partner will in turn explain his/her drawing or diagram to the other Learner/partner, describing the connectivity conservation concepts illustrated. NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Ask Learners to pair with another Learner or assign pairs of Learners. If there is an odd number of Learners, one “pair” may be a trio.

5 Joint Group Discussion
Learners will volunteer or the Educator will select up to five Learners to present their drawings or diagrams to the entire group and describe the connectivity conservation concepts illustrated. Learners will engage each other with a view to improving each others’ understandings and descriptions of these concepts. NOTES FOR EDUCATOR Display each volunteer/selected Learner’s drawings or diagrams, as he/she describes them to the group, in whatever way is appropriate for the facilities available at the venue of the course and the number of Learners.

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