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Europeans and Africa.

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1 Europeans and Africa

2 First Impressions Europeans described it as the “Dark Continent”
Thought it was without civilization and without history. When researchers encountered Great Zimbabwe, they were convinced that locals could not have built it. It must have been built by some non-black people from the north. “There is only the history of the European in Africa. The rest is largely darkness.”

3 However African civilizations developed in the same way that many European cities did. In fact, Africans had it harder. Geography Climate Crops Ultimately, they were at a serious disadvantage. INDEPENDENT

4 All these things… Mean that Africa became a victim of the new world system [they couldn’t compete]. Their civilizations were basically erased by a racist idea that treated them as “sub-human” Combination of circumstance and European fault.

5 Africa’s weakness = Europeans Strength
Late 19th century (1880ish): Britain, France, and Germany begin to lay claim on parts of Africa. In % of Africa was under European rule. By 1900 over 90% was colonized. Why? Show of power/domination Resources Slaves $$$$$$$$ Their economy at home was failing, so they thought the only way to make money was to invest abroad (in other countries)

6 Britain First attempts to conquer were often unsuccessful.
New weapons and tactics allowed them to grow stronger and defeat Africans. Claimed to be fighting “savagery”, but were brutal in their tactics. Killed 10,000 Sudanese and only lost 48 men. “They called for water and they called for our aid, but our officers spurned them.” – British soldier

7 Britain Continued Did not conquer Africa because they were racist, or because they were trying to help Africa. They needed money. Bad economy at home meant they needed to make money somewhere else. They were able to take over countries that had resources which could make them money. Took Egypt, and parts of South Africa.

8 France Needed to keep up with Britain. Needed money.
Conquest of Africa can provide those things. Joined with Britain to control Egypt.

9 Belgium Also brutal in their conquests of Africa:
“I do not want to miss a chance of getting us a slice of this magnificent African cake.” Took an especially important chunk of central Africa.

10 Germany Britain and France had already claimed much of the world.
Germany wanted to gain power also. Conquered many smaller portions of Africa. Eventually tried to build their army to compete with Britain’s (which meant that France built theirs to compete with Germany).

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