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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL REPORT & EXPENDITURE CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION The majority of the activities reported for 2009/10 occurred during the second half of 2009/10 financial year. A significant focus of the work of the Secretariat post September 2009 was devoted to re-organizing and the introduction of institutional reform. The establishment of dedicated units within the Secretariat only occurred between November and January As previously discussed with the Portfolio Committee the expenditure for the 2009/10 was aligned to the re-organisation of the Secretariat.

A transformed & accountable Police Service that reflects the values of our developmental State Mission To provide efficient and effective civilian oversight over the SAPS & enhance the role of the Minister of Police

4 OBJECTIVES To provide quality, timeous evidence-based strategic research and policy advice to the Minister; To facilitate a pro-active and interventionist role with regard to civilian oversight of the Police; To develop and contribute to a global view on policy practices and methodologies; To develop and build strategic partnerships in the fight against crime; To strengthen the national dialogue and relationships on safety and crime prevention; To initiate policy driven legislation on policing and security matters; and To perform any other functions as may be determined by the Minister.

5 BUDGET & EXPENDITURE 2009/10 BUDGET 2009/10 R’000 EXPENDITURE 2009/10
OVER/UNDER SPEND 21 912 (77%) 4 978 R3m budgeted for Soccerex was not approved by the Secretary of Police. Two thirds of the budget was spent between September 2009 and March 2010 (ie during the last six months of the financial year). Between April and August 2009 spending was almost solely related to staff costs with no money being spent on operational costs. Less R3m for Soccerex, the Secretariat was under-spent by R ,00 (9%). 2008/09 Financial Year, the Secretariat was under-spent by R8m (29%). (This includes the expenditure of R4m on Soccerex).

BUDGET ITEM EXPENDITURE (R’000) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PARTNERSHIP UNIT MONITORING & EVALUATION UNIT POLICY & RESEARCH UNIT SUPPORT SERVICES OVERTIME 52 000 TOTAL 76% of the money spent on overtime occurred during the first six months of the year under reporting (April – September 2009). Strict prohibitions were placed on what overtime claims were allowed.

Re-organisation of the Secretariat: - Facilitate work study and skills audit with Deloittes & Touche, - Consultations with DPSA regarding work study, - Development of units within Secretariat and appointments of heads of units, and - Redesigning the mission, vision and objectives of the Secretariat. The Office of the Secretary of Police has developed Performance Agreements for all new Chief Directors appointed in a concerted effort to serve as a management tool. The Human Resources Management worked with all senior managers in redesigning the Performance Agreements for all other employees. A training workshop was held with Senior Management Members on how to utilize performance Agreements to manage staff. Alignment with Provinces: -Three workshops held with Provincial HODs to discuss the re-organisation of the Secretariat, Policy approach & co-operation between Secretariat & Provinces.

Consultations on Secretariat: - Four workshops held with Civil Society Groups, Unions & CPFs on re- organisation of Secretariat & policy approach. Legislative/Legal issues: - Establishment of legal team to draft Civilian Secretariat for Police Bill, - Working with ICD on the IPID draft legislation, - Facilitation of minimum standards for CIT operations (workshop with CIT role player, engagements with CRIM), - Consultation with PSIRA on training regulations, and - Facilitate Guidelines for Firearm Compensation. International work: - Liaison with World Bank on Crime & Violence Study, - Liaison with UN on Civilian oversight models, - Facilitation of SARPCCO Minister’s Forum, and - Visit to UK (approaches to forensics and Child & family violence).

Support to the Minister: - Facilitation of MINMEC meetings x 3, - Briefing documents for Minister, - Facilitation of Crime Statistics release, - Assistance with systems and processes for Minister’s office, - Facilitation of co-operation between the Department & Business Associations, - Facilitation of team to audit SAPS offenses, and - Handling complains specifically referred to the Secretariat by the Minister of Police. Strategic Planning: - Facilitation of Annual Strategic Plan, APP & Budget for 2010/11 for presentation to Minister and Portfolio Committee .

Firearms Issues: - Preparation of Amnesty documents and communication plans. - Consultations with Stakeholders and Role Players regarding Amnesty. - Preparation of reports to Minister on Amnesty Process. - Follow-up meetings held with role players and stakeholders to discuss weaknesses and gaps in the implementation of the FCA.

11 PARTNERSHIP UNIT (Operational from November 2009) Izimbizo:
- Five Izimbizo were held in the following areas: Polokwane, Chatsworth, Khayelitsha, George, and Mitchells Plein. - The focus of these engagements has been one of listening to what ordinary people are feeling about crime and the police. They have helped to shape the Secretariat’s approach to crime, and to pilot Community Safety Forums (CSFs). Finalizing agreements with business associations: - The formalising of these partnerships focuses on using business expertise to assist the Department in streamlining its approach to combating crime.

12 PARTNERSHIP UNIT Consultations with rural communities:
- A series of consultations were held with farmers, farm workers and rural communities to identify areas and concerns regarding rural safety. - A series of meeting were also held with rural communities that border Lesotho to discuss stock theft related issues. Consultations with CPF Board: - A series of meetings were held with the CPF National Board. The unit is working on redefining & enhancing the role of CPFs. Interfaith consultation: - Interfaith organisations were consulted to introduce the Department’s plans and to focus on the firearms amnesty.

Following the Reservist Summit, a series of meetings were held with the National Task Team to finalise the recruitment criteria for reservists. In December a final workshop was held and the criteria approved and made public. At this point the National Reservist Task Team was disbanded. The Unit was then engaged in receiving and processing complaints from reservists regarding this recruitment process. To date the Unit has received 179 complaints. 160 of these complaints have been processed and finalised and 19 are still pending.

14 POLICY & RESEARCH UNIT (Established in January 2010)
Policy on Institutional Reform of Secretariat: - The Unit was responsible for the development and finalization of Policy on the institutional reform of the Secretariat. Policy on Institutional reform of ICD: - The Unit was responsible for the development and finalization of Policy on the institutional reform of the ICD. Policy on Institutional Reform of PSIRA: The Unit was responsible for the development of a draft policy on institutional reform of the regulatory framework for the private security industry. Resource Centre Establishment: - The resource centre has been established and is operational.

15 POLICY & RESEARCH UNIT National Instructions on the Child Justice Act:
- On the instructions of the Minister the Unit facilitated an inter-departmental process to assist with the Department’s National Instructions required under the Child Justice Act. Establishment of Reference Group: The Unit established a civil society & academic society reference group. CSF: The Unit has drafted policy guidelines for the establishment of CSFs. Task Team on Policy related to Metro Police: The Unit has established a Task Team to review policy on the Metro Police and attending a number of meetings of the Metro Police Chiefs’ Forum.

(Established in January 2010) Firearms Amnesty: - Between January and March significant energy was devoted to the monitoring of the Firearms Amnesty. - A National Monitoring Task Team was established comprising of representatives of civil societies, SAPS and the Secretariat. - Provincial monitoring teams were established involving Provincial Departments of Safety and Liaison. - A training workshop was held for all provincial teams. - 240 stations were visited by the monitoring teams. - Complaints were dealt with as received.

National Monitoring Forum: - A National Monitoring Forum comprising representatives from Provincial Departments of Safety was established. Monitoring IT System: A team comprising SITA, ISM and the Secretariat was established to develop an IT Monitoring Database which will be implemented in the 2010/11 financial year. Establishment of Reference Group: - A monitoring and evaluation reference group was established.

18 SUPPORT SERVICES Human Resource Management:
- Providing human resource services to the Secretariat and Ministry of Police. - Advising on and supporting Ministry on the appointment of the Secretary of Police. - Providing support on the appointment of Chief Directors for the following units: Policy & Research Unit, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit, and Partnership Unit. - Providing support on processes to re-organise the Secretariat. - Supporting finalisation and capturing of Performance Agreements of SMS Members. - Engaging in processes to develop Training and Human Resource Plan for the Secretariat. - The number of women in senior management position increased from 3 to 7.

The Secretary of Police is not the accounting officer for the Secretariat. As a result the Secretariat operates as a cost centre falling under Program 1 of South African Police Service Annual Report. The financial management of the Secretariat is governed by PFMA and Treasury Regulations. These instruments are being applied in the Secretariat operations as management and control measures. - The financial management and control had some weaknesses but steps have been taken to improve controls and with the creation and filling of critical posts, this will improve significantly. The Secretariat has implemented the PAS system to ensure that inventory and assets are dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the PFMA so that they comply with Treasury Regulations applicable to Supply Chain Management.

20 SUPPORT SERVICES Supply Chain Management Functions:
- Demand Management, - Acquisition Management, - Logistics Management, - Asset Management, and - Supply Chain Management. Activities include amongst others: - To process applications for procurement needs. - To process payment to suppliers. - To compile and maintain database of suppliers.

21 SUPPORT SERVICES - Lack of sufficient personnel.
Supply Chain Management : Shortcomings and Interventions - Lack of sufficient personnel. - Inappropriate structure. - Reliance on SAPS for approval. - Reliance on SAPS systems. - Late requests for procuring services being received, causing undue pressure on the Supply Chain Component to deliver timely services. - A lack of sufficient personnel to address demand management. - A lack of an updated Assets Register. Appropriate steps have been taken to address the identified shortcomings. These include the development of proper supply chain policies and procedures, the review of the structure and staffing of the Supply Chain Component during the development of the new macro-organizational structure and the accompanying work study investigations. The appropriate structure and staffing of the Supply Chain Management Component is under way and will be finalized early in the 2010/2011 financial year during the Secretariat’s restructuring process.

22 SUPPORT SERVICES Supply Chain Management: Shortcomings and interventions cont … Asset Management This process entails the requirements for all procurement and provisioning to be done through the PAS system. The completeness of the asset register could not be verified as a result of insufficient identification numbers affixed to the assets. The Secretariat has addressed some of the weaknesses relating to the asset register. The PAS system is currently controlled by the SAPS and an asset management plan has been developed to ensure that the Secretariat assets are all captured, inventorised and regularly updated. The process involved the verification of the asset register and the addressing of any deviations. All the Secretariat assets are now listed on the PAS system.


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Secretariat Programme and Personnel Budget Breakdown Table 1 2009/2010 FY Actual Expenditure R’000 Overtime 52 000 Good & Services Transfers & Subsidies 4 000 Personnel Expenditure TOTAL

25 Recruitment for period 01-04-2009 to 31-03-2010
SUPPORT SERVICES (Annexure B) Human Resource Management Recruitment for period to Table 1 Occupational Bands Male Female African Coloured Indian White Top Management 1 Other Levels Total Personnel Budget against overall allocated Budget Table 2 Item Budget requested R’000 Actual budget allocation Actual expenditure % of spent budget against total budget Personnel budget R9 056 R11 132 The personnel over-expenditure was as a result of the appointment of the Secretary of Police and the three Chief Directors for the core Units of the Secretariat.

26 Employment & Vacancies
SUPPORT SERVICES (Annexure C) Human Resource Management Employment & Vacancies Table 1 Unit Number of post Number of post filled Vacancy rate Number of post filled additional to the fixed establishment Office of the Secretary 12 10 2 Partnership 0 (No Component) Policy and Research 7 5 1 Monitoring and Evaluation 16 6 3 Support 19 13 Employment Equity Table 2 Occupational Categories Male Female African Coloured Indian White Legislators, senior officials and managers 7 1 2 Professionals 3 Technicians and associate professionals Clerks 6 Service and sale workers Total 12 18


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