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Why Conduct This Study? Provide evidence of the impact and benefits of living in a Life Plan Community on multiple dimensions of wellness.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Conduct This Study? Provide evidence of the impact and benefits of living in a Life Plan Community on multiple dimensions of wellness."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Conduct This Study? Provide evidence of the impact and benefits of living in a Life Plan Community on multiple dimensions of wellness

3 What We’re Trying to Learn
Does living in a Life Plan Community lead to better health and well-being? What are residents’ beliefs about the impact that Life Plan Community Living has on their health and well-being? Which factors predict which residents will thrive? Responses from residents of Life Plan Communities will be compared to data from demographically similar participants (i.e., a control group) from the Health and Retirement Study database.

4 Why Should You Participate?
Study findings will help you understand how living in a Life Plan Community may affect your health and wellness. Study findings will help you articulate the benefits of living in a Life Plan Community to prospective residents with evidence to back it up.

5 Additional benefits will have a chance to be part of an effort that can improve Life Plan Communities nationwide will receive annual reports that provide a better understanding of the impact of living in a Life Plan Community Have a chance to be part of an effort that can improve Life Plan Communities nation-wide Will receive annual reports that provide a better understanding of the impact of living in a life plan community

6 The Process is Easy Look for the study to begin in February (Your community representative will let you know when it becomes available.) Complete a paper and pencil survey annually. In Year 1, return the survey to your community representative. In Years 2 through 5, use the pre-paid, pre-addressed envelope provided and drop it in the mail.

7 Confidentiality and Privacy - Residents
Protection of resident contact information is critical. Researchers from Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging and Northwestern have taken federally approved training in methods to protect study subjects, as well as HIPAA training. We strictly adhere to these guidelines and regulations. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board, which ensures that plans are in place for the protection and privacy for study subjects. A cover letter will be attached to each resident survey describing the study purpose, steps to protecting their privacy, and other key points.

8 Timeline Surveys will be mailed to participating communities by early February. Residents complete surveys. Surveys are returned to us by March 15. April–November: We will send updates/communication to residents who have enrolled. January 2019: first annual reports published and distributed Each year Mailing of surveys to participating communities: last week in January Residents complete surveys: February/March April – November: we will provide ongoing communication to keep residents engaged in the study December/January: annual reports published and distributed to participating communities and residents Subsequent years will follow the same timeline.

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