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Increasing Our Reach While Preserving Quality:

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing Our Reach While Preserving Quality:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing Our Reach While Preserving Quality:
Creating and Using Information Literacy Assessments and Rubrics for Non-Librarians Rory Patterson, Coordinator, Undergraduate and Online Research Librarian, Integrated Learning Research Center Angela Rice, Learning Commons Coordinator, Integrated Learning Research Center Jeremy Roden, Instructional Designer, Center for Curriculum Development, Adjunct Professor

2 Who Are We? Rory Patterson: Angela Rice: Jeremy Roden:
Coordinator, Undergraduate and Online Research Librarian, Integrated Learning Resource Center Angela Rice: Learning Commons Coordinator, Integrated Learning Resource Center Jeremy Roden: Instructional Designer, Center for Curriculum Development, Adjunct Professor

3 What Will You Learn? Justifying and using rubrics Creating rubrics
Norming rubrics Implementing rubrics

4 Justifying and Using Rubrics
Assess teaching and learning Programmatic assessment Assess content mastered not class attended or content learned.

5 Justifying and Using Rubrics
Allows library to increase its reach Can be used by non-librarians Standard assessment points for: Librarians Non-librarian faculty

6 Creating Rubrics Wording the Standards
Instructions aligned with objectives Use familiar/similar language used in instructions Use positive language Delineate dimensions or characteristics

7 Creating Rubrics cont. Creating Levels of Assessment
Even number of levels Arrangement of degree of mastery varies Create descriptions of optimal and incompetent levels of mastery Create other two levels Use specific language including numbers Experiment and Gather Feedback and Adjust

8 Audience Application:
ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standard 5, Performance Indicator 3 Choice of four outcomes Write your measurable outcome Write four levels of outcomes Excellent Good Acceptable Poor

9 Norming Rubrics Tell the faculty what is expected
Show faculty how to do it Have faculty do it Review faculties’ efforts Norm or spot check on set schedule, so stay consistent

10 Audience Application Take annotated bibliography
Review with “How did you get each item?” Review one item Audience reviews others and their evaluations

11 Implementing Rubrics in Blackboard
How to implement rubrics Attached rubrics Embedded rubrics Best practices Do the points add correctly Point range or percentages Are the columns accurately reflecting the grading scale Include a copy of the rubric for students to view

12 Implementing Rubrics in Blackboard
Troubleshooting Inability to see grades Incorrect point totals Incapable of linking to SafeAssign

13 Questions? Reviewing What we covered
Justifying use and norming rubrics Understanding how to construct rubrics Demonstrate how to norm rubrics Questions?

14 Thank you for attending! Contacts:
Rory: Angela: Jeremy:

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