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Worcester County Town Manager’s Quarterly Meeting

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1 Worcester County Town Manager’s Quarterly Meeting
James Fuccione – Senior Director January 2018 The work of the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is supported in part by Tufts Health Plan Foundation.

2 What is the MHAC? The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is a network of leaders in community, health and wellness, government, advocacy, research, business, education, and philanthropy who have come together to advance healthy aging. Focus: Advancing Age-Friendly and Dementia Friendly Communities Building and supporting the Age-Friendly movement in Massachusetts Deepen capacity-building work at the community level Embed access, equity, and inclusivity in our approach and the Age-Friendly movement Develop and communicate policy and advocacy platform

3 ICYMI: Gov. Baker Declares MA Age-Friendly
“Last spring, I appointed a Council to address aging. With a goal of making Massachusetts the most age-friendly state in the nation. The council has provided a platform to think beyond public programs and to draw on expertise in technology, health care, business and innovation. “We’re pleased to announce that AARP has formally designated Massachusetts as one of only two age-friendly states in the country. “We’ll also be increasing state support for the Councils on Aging in our 2019 budget to the highest level ever.

4 Elevating Best Practices

5 Aging Population in Massachusetts (60+)
2015 2035 (projection)

6 Community and Health Services
What is “Age-Friendly”? A continuous improvement process focusing on three areas: Physical environment Social Environment Community and health services Physical Environment Social Environment Community and Health Services

7 Where to begin? It all starts with CONVENING: Active Age- and Dementia Friendly models Age-Friendly Berkshires (AARP – Municipal Resolution): Countywide effort began with regional planning agency and private-pay home care company that lead “planning” and “people” sides of the work, respectively. Volunteers and funding from THPF support coordinator Age-Friendly Yarmouth (WHO): Director of Senior Services dedicates time to Age-Friendly work. Age-Friendly Boston (AARP): City’s Elderly Commission have dedicated staff to convene groups, liaise between city departments and carry out action plan. Support came from THPF and UMass Boston Salem for All Ages (AARP): Volunteer, retired professor leads “people” side of the work with support from Mayor’s office and local volunteers/volunteer orgs Support from UMass Boston

8 Using the Age-Friendly Lens – Municipal Gov’t
Example of Municipal Departments Accounting Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Animal Control Planning Board Assessing Department & Board of Assessors Police Board of Selectmen Public Schools Capital Projects & Facilities Management Public Works Conservation Commission Purchasing Community & Economic Development Recreation Council on Aging Retirement Board Cultural Council Technology Services Finance Division Town Clerk Fire Town/City Manager Health Department Treasurer / Collector Human Resources Weights & Measures Inspectional Services Veterans Services Library Zoning Board of Appeals Licensing

9 Using the Age-Friendly Lens – Organizations
Focus on linking Social Determinants of Health

10 What Determines Health?

11 Data Gathering

12 Healthy Aging Community Profiles

13 Current State: Age & Dementia Friendly Communities

14 Better Together Strategy

15 Simplified “Better Together” Strategy
Age-Friendly Community efforts… Include people living with Dementia, caregivers, and service/support providers on task force A Dementia Friendly advisory group that can focus on raising awareness and working through sectors in coordination with Age-Friendly

16 Overcoming Perceptions: Example

17 Resources and Contact Info James Fuccione: AARP: Better Together Report and Framework AARP: Livability Index Dementia Friendly Massachusetts Toolkit MHAC: Age-Friendly Toolkits MHAC: Mass. Healthy Aging Community Profiles MHAC: Current Age/Dementia Friendly Communities in MA N4A Report: Making Your Community Livable for All Ages WHO: Checklist of essential features of age-friendly cities NEW! “What We Have and What We Need” – Building an Age- and Dementia Friendly Commonwealth Tri-State Learning Collaborative: Tools and Resources

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