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Eternal Father, Strong to Save

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1 Eternal Father, Strong to Save
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition Hymn #717a Eternal Father, Strong to Save Navy Hymn Text: William Whiting, (st. 1,*2, *3, 4) Robert N. Spencer, (st. 2-3) MELITA Tune: John B. Dykes, PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #717a - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
[1] Eternal ******, ****** ** save, Whose *** *** ***** *** ******** wave, Who ****'** *** ****** ***** deep Its *** ********* ****** keep: O **** ** **** ** *** ** Thee For ***** ** ***** ** *** sea.

3 #717a - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
[2a] O ******, ***** ***** *** ****** heard And ****** ***** ****** ** *** word, Who ******** ** *** ******* deep And **** **** *** **** ***** sleep: O **** ** **** ** *** ** Thee For ***** ** ***** ** *** sea.

4 #717a - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
[3a] Most **** ******, *** ***** brood Upon *** ***** **** *** rude, And *** *** ***** ****** cease, And ****, *** **** *********, peace: O **** ** **** ** *** ** Thee For ***** ** ***** ** *** sea.

5 #717a - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
[4] O ******* ** **** *** pow'r, Our ****** ****** ** ******'* hour; From **** *** *******, **** *** foe, Protect **** ********'** **** go; Thus ******** ***** **** ** Thee Glad ****** **** *** *** **** *** sea.

6 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: © Church Pension Fund (st. 2-3) Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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