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Mission: To reduce morbidity associated with the prevalence of TB and HIV among at-risk drug users and their contacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission: To reduce morbidity associated with the prevalence of TB and HIV among at-risk drug users and their contacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission: To reduce morbidity associated with the prevalence of TB and HIV among at-risk drug users and their contacts.

2 Provide information on reducing or totally avoiding risky behaviour.
Core objectives Provide information on reducing or totally avoiding risky behaviour. Empower individuals to change their behaviour. Provide psychological and information support to minimize risk of unsuccessful outcome. 2

3 Practical skills training.
Core objectives Practical skills training. Promote safe injection practices and safe sex. 3

4 Access to needle and syringe exchange programmes.
Action Peer counselling. Access to needle and syringe exchange programmes. Work with key partners to ensure universal access to preventive measures. 4

5 Injection behaviour Proportion of IDUs using shared needle for most recent injection Proportion of IDUs using shared syringe for most recent injection

6 Sexual behaviour of IDUs
Sexual partners of IDUs Condom use

7 Use of shared needle – 37% Use of shared syringe – 9% Regular sexual partners: Men – 81% ; women – 83% Random partners: Men – 46%; women – 27% Commercial sex workers: Men – 11%; women – 16%

8 Use of condom during most recent sexual encounter among male and female IDUs [Translator's note: see notes at bottom of slide for table legend] Men, Women, Both sexes Regular partners, Random partners, Commercial sex

9 Voluntary testing coverage among IDUs: Testing – 57% Voluntary – 52%

10 TB prevention measures
IDUs covered by TB prevention campaign – 84% TB awareness level % \ 31% Diagnostic reflexes (X-ray) – 43%

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