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SAT List #8 5 on front, 5 on back- space out! 1.eclectic 2.effervescent 3.effrontery 4.emanate 5.embroil 6.empathy 7.enervate 8.enigma 9.ennui 10.entrench.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT List #8 5 on front, 5 on back- space out! 1.eclectic 2.effervescent 3.effrontery 4.emanate 5.embroil 6.empathy 7.enervate 8.enigma 9.ennui 10.entrench."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT List #8 5 on front, 5 on back- space out! 1.eclectic 2.effervescent 3.effrontery 4.emanate 5.embroil 6.empathy 7.enervate 8.enigma 9.ennui 10.entrench

2 1. Bobs eclectic iPod playlist included country, rock, and hip hop songs. (adj) selecting from or made up of different sources 2. The effervescent result of opening a can of soda tickled my nose. (adj) the state of giving off bubbles, fizzy; to be lively or exhilarated 3. The mans effrontery was obvious when he swore he didnt steal from the child despite being caught on camera. (n) shameless boldness; audacity; insolence

3 4. The smell of cookies emanate (d) from my grandmothers kitchen. (v) To come out from a source 5. The idea of gay marriage has become embroil (ed) in controversy. (v) To be drawn into a situation; to involve in conflict 6. Tim felt empathy towards his friend because he had gone through the same problem. (n) The capacity to understand another persons point of view; often results in sympathy, understanding

4 7. Kryptonite is known to enervate Supermans powers. (v/adj) to reduce strength or energy; without strength or energy 8. Men believe that women are an enigma, hence the book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. (n) Hard to understand; mysterious

5 9. Some students claim to feel constant ennui during school hours. (n) restlessness often caused by boredom 10. Many parents try to entrench the idea that dating should wait until after college into their kids. (v) to place yourself in a trench or strong defensive position; to establish solidly

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