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Debugging Visual Basic Programs

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1 Debugging Visual Basic Programs
Sarah Bin shalan

2 Quick Reference Do This To
On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Debug. Display the Debug toolbar In the Code Editor, click in the Margin Indicator bar next to the statement where you want to stop program execution. When the compiler reaches the breakpoint, it will enter debugging mode. or Place a Stop statement in the program code where you want to enter debugging mode. Set a breakpoint Click the Step Into button on the Standard toolbar. Execute one line of code in the Code Editor In debugging mode, select the value in the Code Editor, and then hold the pointer over it. Examine a variable, a property, or an expression in the Code Editor In debugging mode, click the Debug menu, point to Windows, and then click Autos. Use the Autos window to examine a variable on the current or previous line In debugging mode, select the value in the Code Editor, right-click the value, and then click Add Watch. Add a variable, a property, or an expression to a Watch window

3 Quick Reference Do This To
In debugging mode, click the Debug menu, point to Windows, point to Watch, and then click the window. Display a Watch window Click the Debug menu, point to Windows, and then click Immediate. Open the Immediate window Click the breakpoint in the Margin Indicator bar of the Code Editor. or Click the Delete All Breakpoints command on the Debug menu. Remove one or more breakpoints Click the Stop Debugging button on the Standard toolbar. Stop debugging

4 Reference M.Halvorson, Visual basic 2010 step by step.

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