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Synthesizing Evidence Found

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1 Synthesizing Evidence Found
Module Nine Synthesizing Evidence Found In this module we are going to use the handout for synthesizing research.

2 Research Synthesis Synthesis Notes include: Title (year) Source type
Main findings Quality and fit notes As a group, or individually you will want to synthesize the evidence that you found briefly by recording your observations. You’ll want to take down basic information about the evidence that you found so that you can later revisit the question and add new evidence as it is identified and you can organize your general observations. We have provided a Research Synthesis handout for you to collect the following information about each piece of research evidence including title, year, type of source, main findings, and quality and fit notes.

3 Summary Statement Problem or question
Body of evidence currently available Summary of findings Recommended plan of action Once you have filled in your notes and completed your discussions, as a group you will want to write a brief statement summarizing your work. You will want to briefly (one page or less) describe problem or question that you researched, your general observations about the body of research evidence currently available regarding this question, a summary of findings, and recommended course of action. This summary can be shared with coworkers, clients, or any other stakeholders who are interested in the issue. You may want to begin a library for yourself or your organization so that you can refer back to searchers and update them as needed. This type of a library may be particularly useful for training student interns or new staff members. Built into your COPES question was a decision point. You described one course of action versus another, whether that meant choosing between different interventions or assessments. Does the research that you identified support a particular instrument or treatment? In the next module we will further discuss your action plan.

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