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M. King Hubbert E-3 Awards

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1 M. King Hubbert E-3 Awards
From ASPO-USA E-3: for Excellence in Energy Education First annual awards: Denver 2005

2 Award to: L. F “Buzz” Ivanhoe
--Lifetime oilman, mostly as an independent, often with Occidental Petroleum --Colleague of M. King Hubbert --Funded the M. King Hubbert Center for Petroleum Studies at CSM, and published its newsletter.

3 Award to: Dr. Albert A. Bartlett
Professor Emeritus, Physics, CU-Boulder 1570+ presentations of: “The Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis,” then “Arithmetic, Population & Energy” and many subsequent variations (1977- ?) LAWS, HYPOTHESES, OBSERVATIONS AND PREDICTIONS RELATING TO SUSTAINABILITY …Sixteenth Law The addition of the word "sustainable" to our vocabulary, to our reports, programs, and papers, and to the names of our academic institutes and research programs, is not sufficient to ensure that our society becomes sustainable.

4 Award to: Dr. Walter Youngquist Lifetime geologist
Worked with Exxon and others Author/professor (Left to right: L.F. “Buzz” Ivanhoe, biologist Garrett Hardin, and Walter Youngquist

5 Walter Youngquist, 1/99 Oil fuels the modern world. It brought great changes to economies and lifestyles in less than 200 years. Nothing else to date can equal the enormous impact which the use of oil has had on so many people, so rapidly, and in so many ways around the world. But oil is a finite resource. The common question "How long will oil be produced?" is the wrong question. The critical question is "When is the date of the maximum daily amount of world oil production--the peak?" After that oil will be an irreversibly declining resource facing an increasing demand which cannot be met. The world passed its peak of rate of oil discoveries in the 1960s, but there is a lag time from discovery to full production. Although estimates differ slightly, it seems clear that the peak of world oil production will be reached at least by 2020, and possibly within the next decade.

6 Denver World Oil Conference
Beyond Oil: Intelligent Response to Peak Oil Impacts A Dialogue with the Experts

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