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Linked Lists CSE 2451 Matt Boggus. Dynamic memory reminder Allocate memory during run-time malloc() and calloc() – return a void pointer to memory or.

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Presentation on theme: "Linked Lists CSE 2451 Matt Boggus. Dynamic memory reminder Allocate memory during run-time malloc() and calloc() – return a void pointer to memory or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linked Lists CSE 2451 Matt Boggus

2 Dynamic memory reminder Allocate memory during run-time malloc() and calloc() – return a void pointer to memory or a NULL pointer if allocation failed – The programmer must check for the NULL value before dereferencing the pointer free() – relinquishes memory allocated during run-time – Every malloc and calloc call should have a corresponding free call later – Pointer value is not changed after free, but it is not safe to dereference it (dangling pointer) Memory leak – Memory that has been Dynamically allocated, Not freed, and Is no longer in use/there is no pointer to it

3 Dynamic memory example/practice int x; int *pi; pi = (int*)malloc(5 * sizeof(int)); if (pi == NULL) { printf(Out of memory!\n); exit(1); } for (x = 0; x < 5; x +=1) *pi++ = 1; // Print array // free memory What are the values in the new memory before initializing to zero? Where is pi pointing to after the for loop? How to free?

4 Dynamic arrays – realloc See remember.c example

5 Linked list Data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence A node consists of – Data – A reference/link/pointer to the next node in the sequence Advantages – Efficient insertion or removal of elements from any position – Data items do not have to be stored contiguously in memory Disadvantage – No random access or efficient indexing

6 Singly linked list node /* Node Structure */ struct node { int data; struct node *next; }

7 Doubly linked list node /* Node Structure */ struct node { int data; struct node *next; struct node *prev; }

8 NULL terminated lists Singly linked Doubly linked Boxes with x represent NULL values

9 Circularly linked lists Last pointer is set to the first node

10 Accessing lists Still need a pointer to that refers to the first node in the list: head pointer struct node * head

11 Adding nodes Step through the list until the correct location is found (for a sorted list) newNodes pointer = nodes pointer nodes pointer = newNode

12 List search found = false; ptr = head; while(ptr != NULL) { if(ptr->data = = val) { found = true; break; } else { ptr = ptr->next; } // found = true then ptr points to that node // found = false then value is not in the list, ptr is NULL

13 Removing nodes Step through the list until the node is found nodes pointer = node.nexts pointer Need a pointer to for free

14 Lab3

15 Additional examples Cwww/linklist.html Cwww/linklist.html – Building a linked list, but not freeing it

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