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Concepts of time within the law

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1 Concepts of time within the law
Nina Koch Ministry of Justice, Secretariat for Legal Information

2 The themes of today do we have any common concepts of time within our national systems of law the power of names how to manage time

3 Fixed dates – always on the document
Description Latin Do we have it Date of passage of the bill in the Parliament Dies Consulti + all of us Date of signature = promulgation in some countries coming into existence/ delivery/lovskraft/now it is a law Dies Signum ? Austria + DK (Royal Assent within 30 days) ? France + Italy (President) ? NL ? CH

4 Fixed dates – always on the document
Description Latin Do we have it Date of publication in OJ or other official/man-datory publication carrying the legal consequences related to publication = promulgation in some/other countries Dies Edicti Austria: DK:publication in OJ France: Italy: NL: CH:

5 Intervals/start dates of intervals – may be on the document, but is on the norms
Description Latin Do we have it Date of efficacy/coming into force/enter into the legal system. Must be after dates of Consulti, Signum and Edicti (>DCon DS DE) The law can now be en-forced by the authorities Dies Coactu (Dies Imperii ?) Austria: DK:ikrafttræden France: Italy: NL: CH:

6 Intervals/start dates of intervals – may be on the document, but is on the norms
Description Latin Do we have it Date of taking effect/applica-bility/(validity?) Should be the same date or a date after Dies Coactu, but is not always (≥ DC) Dies Valens Austria: DK:virkning/gyldighed France: Italy: NL: CH:

7 The impact/influence of other (later) documents
Description Latin Do we have it Date of modification Austria: DK: France: Italy: NL: CH:

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