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Assessment and Evaluation of S-L

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1 Assessment and Evaluation of S-L
Lori Vogelgesang & Adrianna Kezar

2 Purpose for assessment
Improve partnership Improve learning outcomes Improve student experience Understand impact Understand student or faculty experience Understand partner perspectives

3 Vision for assessment Focus is partnership Focus is school wide
Focus is campus wide Focus is cross campus comparison If more local – action based and community based models might be better; also customized tools If more global – standardized instruments could work better

4 Assessment areas Partnership Learning outcomes Community impact
Faculty and staff or stakeholder outcomes Higher Education institutional impact We will focus on two for our presentation

5 Assessment areas- Partnerships
common vision and goals on–going planning policies designated leads and roles communication decision-making processes staffing and resources Cultural differences

6 Assessment of partnerships – timing and goals
Often done as program unfolds, best not to wait until end track project implementation efforts make changes to plans and efforts along the way understand what went well, what didn’t, and why

7 Assessment of partnership

8 Student learning: What are we measuring?
Academic (Content) knowledge Application of Knowledge Process: how to navigate a system Civic engagement within a discipline Exposure to real-world issues around the academic content Critical Thinking

9 Conceptualizing Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Behaviors Attitudes Beliefs Can share HERI work here Importance of pre-test as a predictor Expected behaviors change a lot during the young adult years Knowledge is very specific to the task to the course – harder to generalize UNLESS the knowledge domain itself is very broad (i.e. understand the political process

10 Research and Assessment
Using RESEARCH to guide ASSESSMENT QUALITY matters for learning Help students make connections Understand strengths and limitations of national and more targeted studies Connect intended goals with the experience you shape for students Clarity on intended outcome is useful! Be willing to ‘give up’ some pieces to strengthen others – don’t view SL as an “Add-on” Quality matters in all learning – for service-learning experiences this includes qualtiy supervision, intentional reflection, helping students make connections

11 Matching Purpose to Approach
Capturing learning Challenge of measuring learning and determining causation Pre-post assessment vs. end-of-course/experience Using portfolios and other qualitative measures Much of student learning can be hard to assess through traditional instruments – intrapersonal, ethics, power, creativity, leadership – need portfolios and other alternatives for many learning outcomes Items we assess in typical standardized instruments does not tap into above items and may actual discount much of the learning occurring

12 Resources: Assessment
National service learning clearinghouse - has library of assessment articles and tools Corporation for national and community service Campus Compact -

13 Resources: Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (IARSCLE): Spencer Foundation initiative on civic learning and civic action: CIRCLE: Talk briefly about some emerging areas of research : civic disposition, for example Pull some talking points from IARSCLE keynote

14 Existing instruments – tons of books and websites
Compendium of research tools : United Way on-line community of assessment - Batenburg, Mark and Denise Clark Pope. The Evaluation Handbook: Practical Tools for Evaluating Service-Learning Programs. Oakland, CA: Youth Service California, 1997.

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