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Presentation on theme: "U.S. RCC-SARSAT CONFERENCE February 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. RCC-SARSAT CONFERENCE 15 -17 February 2011
Beacon Testing

2 Beacon testing is not authorized!!
Except in very limited circumstances The Approval Authority for testing in the USA is NOAA

Draft Policy on Emergency Beacon Testing The COSPAS-SARSAT (C/S) System is an operational entity and is not designed for testing. NOAA/SARSAT authorizes testing through the C/S satellite system on any of the emergency frequencies (121.5, and MHz) by exception only. This policy covers any test where a signal on these frequencies may be detected by C/S satellites or RCC SAR equipment. Such tests may saturate the C/S satellite system and create a burden for Mission Control Center (MCCs) and Rescue Coordination Centers (RCCs). Such tests must be carefully controlled so that the operational mission of the C/S system is not degraded. This policy does not cover beacon self-tests performed according to the beacon manufacturer’s directions. If a test cannot be performed on another frequency or in a screen room that prevents signals from being detected by C/S satellites, a government or non-government agency may submit an application to NOAA/SARSAT in order to obtain permission to test. This application should be completely filled out and submitted with a detailed test plan describing the test objectives. NOAA/SARSAT will review the application, and accept, decline or appropriately modify the application. NOAA will not allow or participate in any test whose purpose is to promote the sale of beacons or services.

4 121.5/243.0 MHz over the air testing is authorized in the first 5 minutes on each hour for 2 sweeps only – No Coordination is required 406 MHz over the air testing is not authorized except in the self-test mode All other over the air testing requires coordination and approval from NOAA-Sarsat Those desiring to test should contact Blair Boyd ( ) for and request a test form 48 hour advance notice is required for less than 4 operational beacons (Cospas-Sarsat requirement) 30 day advance notice is required for 4 – 6 operational beacons (Cospas-Sarsat requirement)

5 Tester submits a request Blair Boyd:
Approval Process Tester submits a request Blair Boyd: checks to see if other tests are scheduled for that time checks to see if test duplicates a previous test and therefore is not required Sam Baker reviews and makes recommendation to Steve Roark Steve Roark approves the test

6 Regulatory Authority for Beacons
The FCC & USCG are the regulatory authorities for 406 MHz beacons

7 Questions?

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