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Presentation on theme: "UGANDA’S FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATION OF eHEALTH SYSTEMS"— Presentation transcript:

Ministry of Health– Division of health INFORMATION Theme: Role of governmenet: leadership, policies and regulation

2 Current eHealth landscape What is the problem?
Outline Current eHealth landscape What is the problem? What could be the solution? Next steps

3 eHealth Land scape in Uganda
The E-health has become a stronger area of focus. The national e-Health policy and strategy has been developed. Several local and international digital health innovations exist.

4 However!.. The interventions address individual health programs, resulting in fragmented information systems. Many digital solutions are incapable of health information exchange. Data about the same people or services in different systems sometimes do not match—raising concerns about data integrity. Such systems are not cost- and service-efficient. The same data are collected multiple times, thus increasing the cost of maintaining the systems and causing confusion.

5 Pilotitis in Uganda 60+ eHealth Pilots
Clearly, a data ecosystem is crucial to the success of any health system of a country. 60+ eHealth Pilots The map below, of Uganda, shows how even good intentions can translate into a case of “pilotitis” –with more than 50 eHealth pilots in one country. Most of these will likely remain as pilots for life, because they are not designed to be scalable from day one and/or because they do not necessarily share common platforms and are not inter-operable. The idea is not to suggest that all pilots must follow the design-pilot-evaluate-scale approach, but to ensure that all pilots and innovations are designed with scale and inter-operability in mind, from the get-go.

6 What could be the solution?
Interoperability HIS interoperability is the extent to which various systems and devices can exchange data, interpret data, and display them in a user-friendly way. Health information exchange A means to exchange health data electronically across multiple facilities or providers in a region, a group of hospitals, a state or province or even a whole country.

7 Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE)
OpenHIE framework normalizes the context in which health information is created across four dimensions: 1) who received health services, 2) who provided those services, 3) where did they receive the services, 4) and what specific care did they receive. The OpenHIE approach relies on internationally recognized and tested standards. Custom APIs and peer to peer integration is not scalable and difficult to maintain.

8 Applications and data Integration Platform
Other GoU Systems DHIS2 HRIS CHMIS RX solution OpenMRS SYSTEM INTEGRATION PLATFORM Electronic ID (NIN) Client Registry Facilty Registry Health Workers Registry Terminology Service Security server Security server Security server Security server Security server Security server Applications and data Integration Platform Cloud Based Data Center (Health Information Access Layer) Mobile Apps Shared Health Record SMS Gateway E-Procurement system Security server Central Messaging Service Gov’t View EHR Viewer (Service Provider) Big Data Data Warehouse E-Citizens/Government Web Portal Dashboards /Analytics

9 Current efforts

10 SCOPE Map out all health information systems by different technical programs and supporting partners Connect all Approved information systems to the integration platform for data sharing and to enhance service delivery. Establish a suitable host environment (data center) and data recovery site Develop Application Program Interfaces (API) for key Health Systems . Develop a reporting dashboard which will support MOH/Government and all stake holders in decision making. Roll out Agreed e-Services .

11 Where are we ? Partial list of health information systems has been developed – call upon stake holders who have health related systems to inform the ministry. Work with Digital Health Atlas is in progress. Four systems that is the DHIS2, HRIS and mTrac have been evaluated with the openMRS evaluation in the process Process on development of a Health API has commenced

12 Cont. 3. Work on the Facility registry is on going with plans to call a stake holders consultative meeting for the Health workers registry, Client registry will use the National ID system. 4. Guiding documentation such eHealth policy is in place pending approval. Development of the ICT policy, HIS strategic frame work is ongoing. 5. The MoH data center has been upgraded to house all health systems, transition of systems by the different stake holders is ongoing. Test runs for different systems ongoing . 2/28/2019



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