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Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conference
Multi Hazard Early Warning Checklist

2 Document for comment on Conference web site:
Early Warning Checklist First developed in 2006 at the EW Conference in Bonn Germany. Still utilized in many countries However it is a decade old and requires updating for: Multi-Hazard and impact based approach Alignment with Sendai Framework Agreement EW Conference 2017 outcomes will include a new MHEW Checklist Started consultation process Workshop in April 2017 Outputs from this EW Conference will be incorporated Comments are welcome from you! Document for comment on Conference web site:

3 MHEW Checklist Contains checks for four elements of early warning:
Disaster risk knowledge based on the systematic collection of data and disaster risk assessments; Detection, monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the hazards and possible consequences; Dissemination and communication, by an official source, authoritative, timely, accurate and actionable warnings and associated information on likelihood and impact; and Preparedness and response capabilities at all levels to respond Plus checks for cross–cutting issues and key actors

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