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When Worlds Collide Egg drop.

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Presentation on theme: "When Worlds Collide Egg drop."— Presentation transcript:

1 When Worlds Collide Egg drop

2 * Objective Students will demonstrate understanding of Newton's 3rd Law and kinetic energy transfer by properly describing their methodology for engineering an egg containment system

3 Video explaining why this activity is important
Take notes on these short videos Nuclear flask test Cast test

4 Yucca Mountain NV “The Department of Energy estimates there will be an average of 175 rail and truck shipments annually for 24 years to move 70,000 metric tons of used nuclear fuel and high-level defense waste to Yucca Mountain” 1

5 * The Problem How can we develop a containment system to safely transport high-level nuclear waste to the nuclear waste repository? Write questions about what you saw in the video? What sort of problem could this be for people living near the railroad tracks carrying the nuclear waste?

6 * The system The horse and cart below are an example of a system. How will the nuclear waste device be a system?

7 The farmer and the horse
After reading the horse’s story, do you agree with the horse or the farmer? Explain.

8 System, Materials and Constraints
Day 2 System, Materials and Constraints

9 * The system Problem The egg and… The and…
What will be the action/ reaction pairs on the nuclear egg cask? The egg and… The and…

10 * What is the system? The system we will create is… and it works by…
Why would we need to change our system? (Define the main problem) I think the main problem that we need to solve with our system is…

11 * What are the main criteria and constraints of the problem?
Criteria can be thought of in terms of, “what is success?” or “what is a metric of success?” an evaluation at the end of the process… like a rubric. Constraints can be thought of as being paired with each criterion. Success of the solution (criteria) is established by…

12 * Criteria Factors Things that I must work around to solve the problem (constraints) include… (what do you think these words mean?) Measurement Manufacturability Sustainability Safety Legality Functionality

13 * Constraint Factors What do you think these mean?
Qualitative and quantitative Are their certain materials? Is there a limited time? Is there a limit on expertise? Are there limitations of the working environment?

14 Day 3 Objective Students will learn to identify and discuss factors of constraints and engineering.

15 * What are at least three different aspects of the system’s design that relate to the main problem?

16 * Complete the statement
The design of… relates to the main problem of the system because…

17 Group work Discuss design and materials
Prepare to build model tomorrow using your design from today. Be able to give a reason why you are using specific materials as a function of the system.

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