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Mailing List Manager Information Services Collaboration Support August 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Mailing List Manager Information Services Collaboration Support August 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mailing List Manager Information Services Collaboration Support August 2011

2 Why Replace Alias Manger? Approximately 15 years in use at Cal Poly UNIX based system Knowledge of UNIX required Command based Alias Manager being replaced by a web-based application called Sympa


4 Sympa Features Single Web interface providing subscriber and admin access Powerful tool with a multitude of options Data can be provisioned using LDAP, SQL or other sources Sympa is WAI compliant WAI is regarded as the international standard for Web accessibility

5 List Migration What was migrated? Class lists: Current quarter and 2 prior quarters Department and Unit Account lists Student and Club lists Migrated lists retained: Public or Private setting Membership Ownership

6 Private Lists and Polymail Addressing Polymail address will no longer be valid! Migration process will include renaming to Private lists containing polymail in the address: Will not be listed in Cal Poly directory or the Zimbra Global Address List (GAL) Retain privacy setting

7 Polymail Addressing Any Address Book entry, Device, Printer or System Jobs referencing will need to be changed to Service Desk web site has info on removing AB entry Post SYMPA migration Email sent to a Polymail address will be delivered to recipients through December 2011 Automatic message will be sent to Sender notifying them of the new list name Polymail delivery will be disabled January 2012

8 Access to Sympa Single-click access via the Cal Poly Portal Department and Club Accounts Staff All Faculty and Instructors Indirect Access via a link on the Service Desk website at Students

9 Department and Club Accounts Single-click access via the Cal Poly Portal List owner capabilities Create and modify lists Set list Privacy setting Specify manner in which mail can be Sent to list Specify how Subscription/Unsubscription requests handled Add or Remove list Members Embed a List within a List Customize List Welcome message View List Log File (for troubleshooting purposes)

10 Faculty and Instructors who are Teaching Single-click access via the Cal Poly Portal Class List owner capabilities Add T.A. or Grader to the Class List Check class membership which is updated daily Can not add students to the Class List Current quarter and 2 prior quarters of Class Lists will be available in Sympa

11 Staff and Faculty who are not Teaching Single-click access via the Cal Poly Portal List subscriber capability View Lists they are a Member of View List Contact Information Unsubscribe from a List Temporarily suspend subscription to a List Re-subscribe to a List

12 Students Sympa Access via link on Service Desk Website List subscriber capability View Lists they are a Member of View List Contact Information For lists that are not Class Lists Unsubscribe from a Student or Club List Temporarily suspend subscription to a List Re-subscribe to a List

13 Getting Started- Creating a New List Creating a New List 1.Create a List by Copying an Existing List List Membership is not copied 2.Create a List using Templates List must be approved prior to use by Listmaster Approval can take up to 48 hrs List options can be modified prior to approval Owner not automatically added to List subscribers

14 Naming the List List name should be descriptive of the members Do not include when creating list Letters, numbers and hyphens can be included in the name Do not include spaces, underscores, accents, or special characters in the name Listmaster approval will include: Verifying list name is appropriate Verifying list name has not been used

15 Configuring the List List Visibility Conceal List Hidden in Cal Poly Directory and Zimbra GAL Intranet List Visible in Cal Poly Directory and Zimbra GAL Identification of Owner/s Setting the Send Option Public Specifying Subscriber Delivery Options Mail Setting the Reply Option Sender

16 Setting List Privileges Viewing List Info Restricted to Subscribers Specifying how Subscription/Unsubscription Requests Handled Owners Approval Viewing List Subscribers Owner only

17 Adding or Deleting List Members Migrated Lists retained existing membership List can handle up to 700,000 entries Large mailings still require approval Manage Subscribers tab Add individual addresses Add bulk addresses using Copy/Paste Full Cal Poly username must be entered Data Sources Setup button can be used to embed a list within a list

18 In Conclusion… Documentation on Service Desk web site Sympa Online Help is available in application Questions or Feedback??? Michael Green – Beth Cordova – Tim Ross – Amy Stets –

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