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Year 4 Spring Week 4 Maths What is area? NCLO: To find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 Spring Week 4 Maths What is area? NCLO: To find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 Spring Week 4 Maths What is area? NCLO: To find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.

2 Key vocabulary and questions
Area, length, width, calculate, surface area. How many post it notes cover your piece of paper? Using the post it notes what would have a smaller area or larger area than your piece of paper? Which square is larger/smaller? Which squares will cover a larger/smaller area? If I wanted to find the surface area of…what size square would I use? Why can we not use other shapes to find the area?

3 Fluency

4 Fluency

5 Fluency

6 Reasoning and problem solving
Children sorted into boys and girls. Children sorted into wearing white, wearing red. Children sorted into white shoes, non-white shoes.

7 Reasoning and problem solving

8 Year 4 Spring Term Week 4 Maths
Counting Squares NCLO: To find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.

9 Key vocabulary and questions
Area, difference, rules, solution. What strategy can you use to ensure you don’t count a square twice? What is the same and different about the two fields? Are there any shapes that you wouldn’t need to count every individual square to calculate the area? If so, which shapes? Can you write some rules for this?

10 Fluency

11 Fluency

12 Fluency

13 Reasoning and problem solving

14 Reasoning and problem solving

15 Reasoning and problem solving

16 Year 4 Spring Week 4 Maths Making Shapes NCLO: To find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.

17 Key vocabulary and questions
Rectilinear shapes, area, calculate, difference. Could you overlap the squares when counting area? Explain your answer. How many different rectilinear shapes can you make with 8 squares? Will the area always be the same? Why?

18 Fluency

19 Fluency

20 Fluency

21 Reasoning and problem solving

22 Reasoning and problem solving

23 Reasoning and problem solving

24 Year 4 Spring Week 4 Maths Comparing Area NCLO: To find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.

25 Key vocabulary and questions
Rectilinear shapes, area, order, compare. What is the area of the two rectilinear shapes? Which shape has a larger/smaller area? How much larger/smaller is the area of the shape? How can we order the shapes? Can we draw a shape that would have the same area as ____? Can we draw a shape that would have a larger/smaller area as ____?

26 Fluency

27 Fluency

28 Fluency

29 Reasoning and problem solving

30 Reasoning and problem solving

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