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Bell Ringer Copy daily learning log Copy down homework.

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1 Bell Ringer Copy daily learning log Copy down homework.
Pg. 11: Phases of Water Gizmo Copy down homework. Quiz Corrections (Below 80%). Use “Quiz Corrections & Assessment” sheet on my website. You may or print it out. Go to my website. Open up the “Water on Earth Quiz” and view the questions missed.

2 States of Matter (Phases of Water)
I can describe the movement and draw the molecular structure of liquid water, solid water (ice), and water vapor (gas). I can describe why water changes from one state of matter to another.

3 Studyjams: States of Matter

4 States of Matter Notes (create table- ½ page)
Liquid Gas Solid H20 Form Water Water Vapor Ice Structure (shape and volume) Fixed volume, no fixed shape No fixed volume or shape Definite shape and volume Molecular Picture

5 Water Molecules Water is made up of molecules . Water changes state (gas, liquid, solid) when it’s molecules are heated or cooled.

6 Molecules Add Heat Add Cold
Water molecules become less dense when heat is added. This happens when water changes from ice to liquid or from liquid to gas. Water molecules become dense when in cold temperatures. This is seen when water turns to ice or changes from a gas to liquid. Add Heat Add Cold

7 Bell Ringer Copy down homework. Copy daily learning log
Pg. 12: Phase Change Chart Copy down homework. Comic Strip- Due Thursday Fill in the Pg. #12: Phase Change Chart. This will be your organizer for your comic strip!


9 Why Does Ice Float in Water?

10 Phases of Water Comic Strip
Create a comic strip that depicts water changing to and from all states of matter (listed below). Your comic strip should show what causes each phase change, what the process is called (freezing, boiling/evaporation, melting, condensing), and the molecular change(s) that are occurring. You can either incorporate the information in the thought bubbles or underneath in the story board. Gas- Liquid Liquid- Gas Solid- Liquid Liquid-Solid (You do not need to do solid-gas, or sublimation)

11 Phases of Water Comic Strip
You may use any of the following for your comic strip. Any other ideas need to be approved my Ms. Hilgefort. Directions on how to turn them in are to the right. Options How to Turn in (by Tuesday) Comic Strip (hard copy). Drawings and word bubbles be neat and colored. Turn in paper to Ms. Hilgefort by Tuesday, January 31st in class. Toon-Doo: Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips & Cartoons Go to left hand corner where it says “Toon-Doo Start Here.” Select “Save As.” Choose “Share with a Friend” and type in Ms. Hilgefort’s Pixton: Create Real Comic Layouts Pow-Toon: Create animated videos & presentations. Upload to your pow-toons. Then, press the picture underneath the “Share to Awesomeness.” Send to

12 Agenda Finish “Phases of Water Gizmo”
Work on “Phase Change Comic Strip”

13 States of Matter Exit Ticket

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