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First Six Weeks Vocabulary

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1 First Six Weeks Vocabulary
List 1

2 Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space
Can be divided into three categories: Solid Liquid Gas

3 Solid Matter that has a definite shape and definite volume

4 Liquid Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape

5 Gas Matter that has no definite shape or volume

6 Reacts How something acts or behaves; responds
Example: You give a dog a bone every time he sits. Every time you ask him to sit, he thinks you are going to give him a bone.

7 Response Answer Example: You responded correctly on the test on every question, so you got a 100!

8 Evaporation Liquid changes into a gas by adding heat; particles escape from a non-boiling liquid and become a gas

9 Condensation Gas changing to a liquid by taking away/removing heat

10 Melting A solid changes to liquid by adding heat
Salvador Dali’s “Melting Clocks”

11 Boiling A liquid changes to gas by adding heat

12 Freezing A liquid changes into a solid by taking away/removing heat

13 Melting point of ice 0 degrees Celsius

14 Boiling point of pure water
100 degrees Celsius

15 Freezing point of pure water
0 degrees Celsius

16 Melting point (of anything)
Temperature at which it changes from a solid to a liquid Example: The melting point of gold is degrees Celsius

17 Boiling point (of anything)
Temperature at which it changes from liquid to gas Example: The boiling point of sulfuric acid is 327 degrees Celsius

18 Freezing Point The temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid
The freezing point of vinegar is -2 degrees Celsius

19 Mass Amount of matter in an object; measured with a balance

20 Weight Measure of the pull of gravity on an object; amount of matter in an object’s volume Ex: Astronauts weigh more on Earth than on the Moon because the Moon has less gravity than Earth.

21 Volume Amount of space that an object takes up

22 Density Concentration of matter in an object; amount of matter in an object’s volume In this picture, the solid is denser than the liquid, and the liquid is denser than the gas.

23 Safety Precaution taken to be free from danger

24 Precaution Things you do to be careful/safe

25 Fray Torn, coming apart

26 Hazard Dangerous thing that could happen or has happened

27 Wafting A safe way to smell in science lab; put what you are trying to smell about six inches away from nose and gently push air with your other hand toward your nose

28 Fire triangle Fuel, oxygen, and heat; what is needed to create and sustain fire

29 Vinegar Mild acid that causes some powders to changes Strong smell
Clear liquid Smelled it in our wafting lab Smells like pickles

30 Solubility Ability to be dissolved Sugar can be dissolved in water

31 Displaces Takes the place of

32 Mixture Two or more things put together; two or more different kinds of matter where each keeps its own physical properties

33 Solution Type of mixture where particles are mixed evenly; cannot be easily separated

34 Dissolve Mix evenly with water NOT disappeared

35 Substances Materials

36 Goggles, Aprons, and Gloves
Goggles – safety gear for the eyes Aprons- safety gear for the torso Gloves – safety gear for the hands

37 Hand Lens magnifying glass to be held in the hand

38 Triple Beam Balance an instrument used for measuring mass

39 Graduate Cylinder container with a scale used for measuring liquids

40 Eyedropper short glass/plastic tube fitted with a rubber bulb and used to measure liquids by drops

41 Physical Properties characteristics that can be observed or measured

42 Observations What we see

43 Measure use a tool to find exact physical characteristics

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