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National Small Business Amendment Bill

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Presentation on theme: "National Small Business Amendment Bill"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Small Business Amendment Bill
Presentation to Port Folio Committee on Trade and Industry 3 November 2004 Hlonela Lupuwana Chief Operating Officer Enterprise and Industry Development Division

2 National Small Business Amendment Bill Purpose
To amend the National Small Business Act so as to repeal all provisions pertaining to Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency, provide for the establishment of the Small Enterprise Development Agency, provide for matters connected therewith.

3 National Small Business Amendment Bill Establishment of SEDA
SEDA established as a juristic person Incorporation of Ntsika and NAMAC Any other agency as designated by Minister

4 National Small Business Amendment Bill Objective of SEDA
To design and implement development support programmes and a service delivery network that will increase the contribution of small enterprises to the South African Economy

5 National Small Business Amendment Bill Functions of SEDA
Implement government policy for small enterprise development Design, develop and implement small enterprise development support programmes Access to non-financial resources Market access Foster partnerships Develop service delivery network Minister can extend services to include financial services

6 National Small Business Amendment Bill Corporate Governance
SEDA managed and controlled by a Board Between 7 and 15 members Appointed by Minister, with Cabinet’s approval 3 year term CEO appointed by Minister on recommendation of the Board

7 National Small Business Amendment Bill Finances of SEDA
Funds of SEDA consists of Money appropriated by Parliament Grants, donations, bequests Money lawfully obtained from other sources CEO is accounting officer Financial year 1st April to 31st March Accounts and balance sheet must be audited by Auditor-General

8 National Small Business Amendment Bill Transitional arrangements
Transfer of Staff from Ntsika and NAMAC Transfer of assets, liabilities, rights and obligations Liquidation of Ntiska Deregistration of NAMAC

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