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Hardness Resistance to indentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardness Resistance to indentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardness Resistance to indentation

2 Hardness Resistance to indentation Greater hardness gives higher hardness nos.

3 Types of hardness tests

4 Comparison of hardness scales

5 Example - quenched plain carbon steels

6 Correlation betwn strength & hardness
Harder means stronger for metals & alloys

7 Toughness Resistance to being clobbered

8 Toughness Resistance to being clobbered Impact test measures energy absorbed upon fracture measure of toughness

9 Toughness Resistance to being clobbered

10 Impact test measure impact energy at different temperatures

11 Impact test measure impact energy at different temperatures

12 Impact test measure impact energy at different temperatures

13 Fracture toughness - Kic = Yc a
resistance to brittle fracture in presence of a crack - resistance to crack propagation under load common specimen configuration usually pre-cracked here before testing

14 Creep deformation under small loads at elevated temps.

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