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Progress on the Single-Arm Compton Analysis

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1 Progress on the Single-Arm Compton Analysis
M. H. Wood University of Massachusetts, Amherst

2 Consistency Study Analyze the single-arm channel of Compton scattering from p0 production runs. Extract the differential cross section for each run. Investigate for systematic deviations over time.

3 Standard Deviation in the Data
1st Run Range: s=1.4% 2nd Run Range: s=0.6% 3rd Run Range: s=0.9%

4 Spread in the Data 1st Run Range: c2/ndf = 8.3 2nd Run Range:
3rd Run Range: c2/ndf = 6.6

5 Double-Arm Compton Analysis
Motivation: In order to understand the single-arm Compton analysis, analyze the well-understood double-arm Compton analysis. I followed the event selection in Yelena’s Analysis note. My deviations: Applied the veto to each cluster. Applied a cut on the photon angle (0.5o<q<0.9o).

6 Yield Extraction Fit the Df distribution with two gaussian shapes (one for the peak and one for the background). Make fits for each T-counter.

7 Comparison of Different Analyses
Single-arm, p0 run Single-arm, Compton run Double-arm, Compton run Where is the difference? Y - yield (different) NT - # target centers (same) Ng – photon flux (same) DW – solid angle (same) – geometrical acceptance (same) With the single- and double-arm analyses of the same run, I can isolate differences in Y. T-counter ID

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