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“The Color of Water” Chapter 1-4
Infallible (adj.) in-fal-uh-buhl Someone who does not make errors Nonchalance (noun) non-shuh-lahns Acting disinterested or having casual lack of concern Subsided (verb) sub-sided To become less quiet, less active, or less violent
Dowry (noun) dow-ree Money or goods a wife brings into a marriage Orthodox Jew (n.) orth-o-dox- jew a Jew who adheres faithfully to the principles and practices of traditional Judaism as evidenced chiefly by a devotion to and study of the Torah, daily synagogue attendance if possible, and strict observance of the Sabbath Kaddish (n.) kad-dish an ancient Jewish prayer sequence regularly recited in the synagogue service, including thanksgiving and praise and concluding with a prayer for universal peace.
Shiv’ah (n.) shiv-ah a period of seven days' formal mourning for the dead, beginning immediately after the funeral. Tallis (n.) tal-lith a fringed shawl traditionally worn by Jewish men at prayer. Holocaust (n.) hol-o-caust destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
Yiddish (n.) Yid-dish a language used by Jews in central and eastern Europe before the Holocaust. It was originally a German dialect with words from Hebrew. Spoken mainly in the US, Israel, and Russia Haggadah (n.) Hag-ga-dah a Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder (ceremonial dinner for the first 2 nights of Passover) Yarmulkes (n.) yar-mul-ke a skullcap worn in public or in prayer by Orthodox Jewish men Hasidic (adj.) ha-sid-ic A mystical Jewish movement in the 18th century that maintained that God's presence was in all of one's surroundings and that one should serve God in one's every deed and word.
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