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-Extract primary canines

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Presentation on theme: "-Extract primary canines"— Presentation transcript:

1 -Extract primary canines
Tanner -11 yrs old -Extract primary canines -Extract and upright #22 (faster than chain which can take up to 5 yrs - see next slide) -Chain #27

2 Using Traditional Orthodontic Chains can take 5 years.
Devin 2010 2012 Key: Using Traditional Orthodontic Chains can take 5 years. 2015

3 Key: Maintain non- Traumatized PDL

4 Surgery 3 month Recall 1 year Recall

5 Key: Key: Maintain non- Traumatized PDL Endo required for mature tooth
Initial Surgery 1 year 2 weeks Key: Maintain non- Traumatized PDL Key: Endo required for mature tooth

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