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NACE - COPNI Correspondence Table

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1 NACE - COPNI Correspondence Table
Item 6.2 of agenda Standards Working Group Meeting July Luxembourg Danny DELCAMBRE Eurostat, Unit B.5 Data and Metadata Services and Standards

2 NACE - COPNI Correspondence Table
What is COPNI Main uses Why a correspondence table with NACE What has been done so far What remains to do

3 Four classifications of expenditure by purpose in the SNA (UN System of National Accounts)
INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose COICOP INDIVIDUAL/COLLECTIVE CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY GOVERNMENT Classification of the Functions of Government COFOG Classification of Purposes of NPIs Serving Households INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY NPISHs COPNI * EXPENDITURES OF PRODUCERS BY PURPOSE Classification of outlays of producers by purpose COPP * NPISHs = Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households

4 Expenditure by purpose
Concept typically used in the SNA (System of National Accounts): for certain sectors or kind of transactions, from the expenditure side, by purpose, answering the question “ for what purpose ? “. Main purpose of such classifications : provide statistics of general interest for a wide variety of analytical uses. For example : COICOP shows items such as household expenditure on food, health and education services all of which are important indicators of national welfare; COFOG shows government expenditure on health, education, defence and so on and is also used to distinguish between collective services and individual consumption goods and services provided by government.

5 Actual final consumption of households
COICOP COPNI COPP COFOG Main uses of COPNI ? The main use of COPNI is to classify expenditures by NPISHs in a manner consistent with the purposes of the individual consumption expenditures of households and general government in order to obtain the SNA aggregate of actual final consumption of households (or actual individual consumption). COPNI can also be used to facilitate international comparisons of the activities of NPISHs. In many countries, activities of these institutions are an important complement to government activities in respect of supplying education, health and social protection services to the population. In some countries, NPISHs are also becoming prominent in non-traditional areas such as environmental protection, the protection of human rights and the defence of minority groups. COPNI identifies these newer purposes as well as more traditional ones such as provision of health and education services.

6 Why a correspondence table with NACE ?
STATEC (Luxembourgish Statistical Institute) has started collecting new microdata for NPISHs using the Business register, and would like to assign to each collected NPISH unit the correct COPNI code, in order to have NPISHs classified not only according to the national version of NACE but also according to COPNI. “The implementation of the COPNI classification could allow us to assess the impact of the NPISHs sector on key national account indicators such as GDP, gross value added and intermediate consumption not only in terms of main economic activity but also in terms of functional expenses like COICOP does for General Government.“ Paul LANNERS, STATEC STATEC Business Register for NPISHs NACE codes COPNI codes +

7 What has been done so far (1)
The correspondence table provided by STATEC has been reviewed by Eurostat COPNI - NACE 2 draft from STATEC 4 1 via NACE 2 - ISIC 3 Check if Ok via ICNPO - COPNI via ISIC 3 - ICNPO COPNI code ICNPO code ISIC Rev. 3 codes 3 2 From Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts * ICNPO is basically an elaboration of ISIC structure to permit fuller specification of the components of the nonprofit sector (for more info, see "Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts", pages 28 and following)

8 What has been done so far (2)
HOWEVER the correspondence table may not be exhaustive because : it covers only the NPISHs registered in STATEC’s business register we did not make any checks starting from the ICNPO – ISIC Rev. 3 and ICNPO – COPNI correspondence tables, so there can be addditional links missing ! ! ! and indeed this is the case as your comments showed ! !

9 What remains to do (1) Complement the correspondence table starting from the UN correspondence tables contained in the documents below : "Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts", United Nations, 2003 Edition, which contains correspondence tables between: ICNPO* (International Classification of Non-Profit Organizations) and ISIC Rev.3 Detailed information on the links between ICNPO and ISIC can be found in the document "Finding a sacred bard: portraying the global nonprofit sector in official statistics", published by the The Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies, and ICNPO and COPNI. its recent revision: Satellite Account on Nonprofit and Related Institutions and Volunteer Work (2018 Edition), where ICNPO has been replaced with ICNP/TSO (International Classification of Nonprofit and Third Sector Organizations) and which contains only a mapping between new ICNP/TSO and ISIC Rev.4 (i.e., no more mapping with COPNI) * ICNPO is basically an elaboration of ISIC structure to permit fuller specification of the components of the nonprofit sector (for more info, see "Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts", pages 28 and following)

10 What remains to do (2) draft a revised version (Deadline: 31/8/2018)
circulate for feedback (Deadline: 30/9/2018) final version (Deadline: 31/10/2018) publish on RAMON

11 What about the comments provided by Member States ?
Nine countries provided comments on the draft mapping between COPNI and NACE It was probably a bit premature to ask for comments at this very early stage of the process because we still have to check the present draft mapping against the UN handbooks on NPISHs. Sorry for that ! Nevertheless this feedback will not be lost as it could be used to check whether we are on the same wavelength as those who developed the correspondence table. In case of strong divergences, your comments could be used as input for a further revision…

12 Thank you for your attention
Time now for questions

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