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How to fend off a vampire and Vampire Culture today

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1 How to fend off a vampire and Vampire Culture today
Lillie Proksch (Feb 16) (Feb 16)

2 Ways to Fend off a Vampire
Garlic Religious Symbols Garlic has been said to ward off vampires due to the smell of it. Garlic is a natural bug repellant and is said to work against bats (a vampires true form) as well. Garlic is also related to vampires do to the relationship between vampires and rabies. Shortly after the rabies outbreak from vampires started appearing and many of the symptoms rabies appeared too. Some symptoms include to need to bite others. Rabies gives people hypersensitive senses including the smell of garlic which is why vampires are repelled by the smell. Religion was looked upon as good and vampires were looked upon as evil therefore when a vampire had been confronted by a religious symbol it would “burn” them Religious symbols such as crucifixes are said to void the powers that vampires are said to have (Mar 5)

3 Ways to fend off a Vampire
Mirrors Sewing mouth shut This also goes along with the thought of rabies, when people have rabies they do not look into their reflection due to the “ugliness” of their reflection It is also said that when a vampire looks in a mirror there is no reflection and this would not only cause the identity of the vampire to be exposed but also another death would occur This way fended off vampires because the main source of survival for a vampire is through drinking blood This was usually done when the vampire was sleeping, one would sneak into his chambers and sew the mouth shut and when awoken the vampire would not be able to drink anymore blood (Mar 5)

4 Ways to fend off a Vampire
Decapitation and burning Stake through the heart This is one of the most efficient ways of riding of a vampire, just as they would do witches, people would decapitate who was believed to be vampire and then burn the body to make sure that the body was disposed of While doing this people would remove the heart and lungs as a precaution This is the most popular version of killing a vampire Certain woods are used to do this more effectively due to religious affiliations with woods such as Ash, Maple and Aspen This method works so well because it is said to deflate a corpse therefore finishing the process in killing it (Mar 5)

5 Types of Vampires Today
Energy Vampires Does not drink blood Does not have any powers Are not actually vampires they just believe that they are These are people who think they are vampires so they have placed the title upon themselves. They have none of the powers but many of the characteristics, however, they are not actual vampires Physic Energy Vampires Does not drink blood Does have powers They are vampires just not the “traditional” version of the word These people are vampires in the sense that they can make their own energy. They have all the characteristics of vampires and can channel their energy and use this energy as a power

6 Types of Vampires Today Continued
Slayers Drinks blood Has powers This is the traditional version of the word vampire These people drink the blood of others and believes that they need this to survive. They also have the powers that are associated with Physic Energy Vampires For more information on the different types of vampires visit (Mar 7)

7 Characteristics of vampires today
If you think that someone might be a vampire these are some characteristics to look for: There is a dark coloured ring at the iris of the eye There is a completely different colour at the pupil of the eye Except when they are very excited or upset a vampires heart rate will not change They have perfect nails that never seem to break The coldest and darkest room in their house is their bedroom They are extremely sensitive to sunlight usually causing migraines For more characteristics of vampires go to: (Mar 7)

8 Are you a vampire? If you want to see if you are a vampire ask yourself these questions:  Do you have pale skin? Are you a naturally good magician? Did you dad leave your home at a young age? Are you a quicker healer than most of the people you know? Do you switch between social and anti-social really quickly? Do you have perfect nails that never seem to break? Is the coldest, darkest room in your house your bedroom? Are you naturally attracted to the scent or taste of blood? For more questions to ask yourself go to: (Mar 5)

9 Bibliography Clare, Kerry. "How to Kill a Vampire: Crucifixes, Holy Water and Other Sacred Objects. "How to Kill a Vampire: Crucifixes, Holy Water and Other Sacred Objects. 31 Oct Web. 1 Mar < Sacred-Objects>. Cochran, Ford. "Six Ways to Stop a Vampire." Voices. 22 Feb Web. 1 Mar < Mendham, Trevor. "Garlic vs Vampires." Garlic vs Vampires. 1 Jan Web. 1 Mar < "Real Vampire Website: For Real Vampires and People Wanting to Learn about Real Vampires." Real Vampire Website: For Real Vampires and People Wanting to Learn about Real Vampires. Web. 21 Feb <

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