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REACH Registrations Advanced

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1 REACH Registrations Advanced
TUTORIAL REACH Registrations Advanced Searching

2 REACH Registrations is a robust resource providing integrated access to chemical registration information on substances registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Under REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), all companies manufacturing or importing chemical substances into the European Union in quantities greater than one ton per year must register those substances with the ECHA. In this tutorial, we will look at how to search REACH Registrations using several advanced features including searching within different fields and using different search modes.

3 To search the REACH Registrations collection, start by clicking the REACH Registrations Advanced button on the left side of the screen. This brings up several search options which allow you to search using one or more variables. By using the Search Field option you can search by “Name”, “EC Number”, or “CAS Number”. By using the Search Type option you can conduct a “Starts With” or “Contains a Match” search. The “Name” and “Starts With” options are initially displayed as these are the default search options.

4 Select the field you would like to search and the desired search type, enter the desired search term(s) (for example, benz), and click the Submit button to execute the search.

5 The search returns a tabular list of chemical terms based on the established search criteria. In this example, the list includes all documents for which the name starts with “benz”. This display also provides additional information, including Name, EC Number, CAS Number, Registration Type, as well as the number of documents and pages in the results list. Results can be printed by using the “Print” function.

6 In the previous example, searching using the term benz yields 198 documents.
SEARCH TIP: To obtain a more manageable and focused list, try using a more specific search term. For example, try conducting the same search instead using the term benzene.

7 The search returns a tabular list of chemical terms based on the new search criteria. In this example, the list includes all documents in which the name starts with “benzene”). Containing 81 documents, this list is significantly more focused than that obtained by searching “benz”.

8 In this example, “benzene” appears twice
In this example, “benzene” appears twice. This can occur when a chemical has more than one Registration Type. In this case, “benzene” has both a Full and Intermediate Registration Type.

9 Select the Name of the chemical substance to view its REACH Registration Dossier.

10 By clicking on the chemical’s Name, the REACH Registration Dossier opens in a new window.

11 For more information, visit our website

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