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6.1 Transistor Operation 6.2 The Junction FET

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1 6.1 Transistor Operation 6.2 The Junction FET 6.3 The Metal-Semiconductor FET 6.4 The Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor FET 6.5 The MOS Field-Effect Transistor

2 6.4.2 The ideal MOS capacitor

3 Modified work function qФm
The modified work function qФm is measured from the metal Fermi level to the conduction band of the oxide. Similarly, qФs is the modified work function at the semiconductor-oxide interface. Assume Фm=Фs qF measures the position of the Fermi level below the intrinsic level Ei for the semiconductor. This quantity indicates how strongly p-type the semiconductor is.

4 Negative voltage between the metal and the semiconductor
Effectively deposit a negative charge on the metal. In response, we expect an equal net positive charge to accumulate at the surface of the semiconductor. In case of p-type substrate this occurs by hole accumulation at the semiconductor-oxide interface. Since the applied negative voltage depresses the electrostatic potential of the metal relative to the semiconductor, the electron energies are raised in the metal relative to the semiconductor. As a result, the Fermi level for the metal EFm lies above its equilibrium position by qV, where V is the applied voltage.

5 Tilt in energy band of the oxide
Moving EFm up in energy relative to EFs causes a tilt in the oxide conduction band. We expect such a tilt since an electric field causes a gradient in Ei (and similarly in Ev and Ec).

6 Tilt in the energy band of the semiconductor
The energy bands of the semiconductor bend near the interface to accommodate the accumulation of holes. It is clear that an increase in hole concentration implies an increase in Ei-EF at the semiconductor surface, since Since no current passes through the MOS structure, there can be no variation in the Fermi level within the semiconductor. Therefore, if Ei-EF is to increase, it must occur by Ei moving up in energy near the surface. The result is a bending of the semiconductor bands near the interface. The Fermi level near the interfacee lies colser to the valence band, indicating a larger hole concentration than that arising from the doping of the p-type semiconductor.

7 Positive voltage between the metal and the semiconductor
This raises the potential of the metal. Lowering the metal Fermi level by qV relative to its equilibrium position. Tilt of oxide energy band. Bending of the semiconductor band. The positive voltage deposits positive charge on the metal and calls for a corresponding net negative charge at the surface of the semiconductor. Such a negative charge in p-type material arises from depletion of holes from the region near the surface, leaving behind uncompensated ionized acceptors. This is analogous to the depletion region at a p-n junction. In the depleted region the hole concentration decreases, moving Ei closer to EF, and bending the bands down near the semiconductor surface.

8 Positive voltage (enhanced) between the metal and the semiconductor
If we continue to increase the positive voltage, the bands at the semiconductor surface bend down more strongly. In fact, a sufficiently large voltage can bend Ei below EF. This is particularly interesting case, since EF >> Ei implies a large electron concentration in the conduction band. The n-type surface layer is formed not by doping, but instead by inversion of the originally p-type semiconductor due to the applied voltage, since

9 Inversion region (V > 0)
Define a potential  at any point x, measured relative to the equilibrium position of Ei. This  > 0 This F > 0

10 Strong inversion region


12 Surface perpendicular electric field

13 Surface perpendicular electric field
Gauss’s law We can relate the integrated space charge per unit area to the electric displacement, keeping in mind that the electric field or displacement deep in the substrate is zero.

14 Space charge density Qs as a function of surface potential s

15 Space charge density Qs as a function of surface potential s
When the surface potential is zero (flat band condition), the net space charge is zero. When the surface potential is negative, it attracts and forms an accumulation layer of the minority carrier holes at the surface. The first term in equation is the dominant one, and the accumulation space charge increases very strongly (exponentially) with negative surface potential. The integrated accumulation charge involves averaging over depth and introduces a factor of 2 in the exponent. Since the charge is due to the mobile majority carriers (holes in this case), the charge piles up near the oxide-silicon interface. (typically ~ 20 nm) The band bending is generally small or is said to be pinned to nearly zero. For a positive surface potential, the second term (linear term) of the equation is the dominant one. Although the exponential term exp(qs/kT) is very large, it is multiplied by the ratio of the minority to majority carrier concentration which is very small, and is initially negligible. Hence the space charge for small positive surface potential increases as ~ The charge is due to the exposed, fixed immobile dopants (acceptor in this case), corresponding to the depletion region. The depletion width typically extends over several hundred nm.

16 Space charge density Qs as a function of surface potential s at strong inversion
At some point, the band bending is twice the Fermi potential F, which is enough for the onset of strong inversion. Now the exponential term exp(qs (inv.) /kT) multiplied by the minority carrier concentration no is equal to the majority carrier concentration po. Hence, for band bending beyond this point, it becomes the dominant term. As in the case of accumulation, the mobile inversion charge now increases very strongly with bias. The typical inversion layer thicknesses are ~ 5 nm, and the surface potential now is essentially pinned at 2 F.

17 Charge distribution, electric field, and electrostatic potential for the inverted surface
The width of the inversion region is exaggerated for illustrative purposes. Actually, the width of this region is generally less than 100A.

18 The voltage across the insulator
permittivity of the insulator Insulator capacitance per unit area The charge Qs will be negative for the n channel, giving a positive Vi.

19 Maximum depletion width
(Prob. 6.7) This depletion region grows with increased voltage across the capacitor until strong inversion is reached. After that, further increases in voltage result in stronger inversion rather than in more depletion. Maximum value of the depletion width

20 Threshold voltage The charge per unit area in the depletion region at strong inversion The applied voltage must be large enough to create this depletion charge plus the surface potential s(inv.).

21 Capacitance-voltage characteristics of the ideal MOS structure
The capacitance for MOSFETs is voltage dependent, The capacitance is the series combination of a fixed, voltage-independent gate oxide (insulator) capacitance, and a voltage-dependent semiconductor capacitance. The overall MOS capacitance becomes voltage dependent. The semiconductor capacitance itself can be determined from the slope of the Qs versus s plot.

22 Capacitance-voltage characteristics (Strong accumulation point 1)
The semiconductor capacitance in accumulation is very high because the slope is so steep. The accumulation charge changes a lot with surface potential. Hence, the series capacitance in accumulation is basically the insulator capacitance, Ci. (whichever smaller) The MOS structure appears almost like a parallel-plate capacitor, dominated by the insulator properties Ci= i /d. As the voltage becomes less negative, the semiconductor surface is depleted. Thus the depletion-layer capacitance Cd is added in series with Ci. The total capacitance is Semiconductor permittivity Width of depletion layer

23 Capacitance-voltage characteristics (Depletion point 2, 3, and 4)
The capacitance decreases as W grows from flatband (point 2), past weak inversion (point 3), until finally strong inversion is reached at VT (point 4). Since the charge increases as ~ , the depletion capacitance will obviously decrease as 1/ .

24 Capacitance-voltage characteristics (Strong inversion point 5)
After inversion is reached, the small signal capacitance depends on whether the measurements are made at high (typically ~1 MHz) or low (typically ~1-100 Hz) frequency. High and low are with respect to the generation-recombination rate of the minority carriers in the inversion layer. At high frequency The charge in the inversion layer cannot change in response, and thus does not contribute to the small signal a-c capacitance. Hence, the semiconductor capacitance is at a minimum, corresponding to a maximum depletion width. At low frequency the semiconductor capacitance is very large. Hence, the low frequency MOS series capacitance in strong inversion is basically Ci once again.

25 Frequency dependence of the capacitance in accumulation?
We get a very high capacitance both at low and high frequencies. Thus frequency independent. It is because the majority carriers in the accumulation layer can respond much faster than minority carriers. Minority carriers respond on the time scale of generation-recombination times. (Typically hundreds of microseconds in Si) Majority carriers respond on the time scale of the time scale of the dielectric relaxation time, D=. D is analogous to the RC time constant of a system, and is small for the majority carriers (~10-13 s).

26 Frequency dependence of capacitance for MOSFETs in inversion?
No. The high-frequency capacitance for the MOS capacitors is low. But it is high (=Ci) for MOSFETs. Because now the inversion charge can flow in readily and very fast (D) from the source/drain regions rather than having to be created by generation-recombination in the bulk.

27 6.4.3 Effect of real surfaces
Departure from the ideal case is due to Work function difference between the doped polysilicon gate and substrate The inevitably charges at the Si-SiO2 interface and within the oxide

28 Work function difference
Фms= Фm - Фs is always negative for this case. Most negative for heavily doped p-type Si.

29 Equilibrium Diagram To accommodate the work function difference
The metal is positively charged and the semiconductor surface is negatively charged at equilibrium. A tilt in the oxide conduction band (implying an electric field) The bend down near the semiconductor surface. In fact, if the Фms is sufficiently negative, an inversion region can exist with no external voltage applied. To obtain the flat band conduction, we must apply a negative voltage to the metal (VFB= Фms.

30 Interface charge Charges in oxide
Alkali metal ions (particularly Na+) can be incorporated inadvertently in the oxide. Sodium ions introduce positive charges (Qm) in the oxide, which in turn induce negative charges in the semiconductor. (distance sensitive) Charges at O/S interface (Qit) Result from sudden termination of the semiconductor crystal lattice at the oxide surface. Fixed charges in transition layer (Qf) Near the interface is a transition layer (SiOx) containing fixed charges (Qf) Uncompensated Si bonds Some ionic Si left Qit and Qf are about 1010 charges/cm2 for carefully treated interfaces with {100} surfaces. For simplicity we will include the various oxide and interface charges in an effective positive at the interface Qi (C/cm2) The effect of this charge is to induce an equivalent negative charge in the semiconductor.

31 Flat band condition Since the difference in work function and the positive interface charge both tend to bend the bands down at the semiconductor surface, a negative voltage must be applied to the metal relative to the semiconductor to achieve the flat band conduction.

32 6.4.4 Threshold voltage VFB for p-type semiconductor

33 Influence of material parameters on threshold voltage
All four terms give negative contributions in the p-channel case. Negative threshold voltage (VT) for p-channel devices. N-channel devices may have either positive or negative threshold voltages, depending on the relative values of terms.

34 Influence of material parameters on threshold voltage
All terms except Qi/Ci depend on the doping in the substrate. Фms and Фf have relatively small variations as EF is moved up or down by the doping. Large changes can occur in Qd, which varies with the square root of the doping impurity concentration. p-channel: VT is always negative. n-channel for lightly doped p-type substrates, negative flat band voltage terms can dominate resulting in a negative VT. for more heavily doped substrates, the increasing contribution of Na to the Qd term dominates, and VT becomes positive.

35 Threshold voltage In a p-channel devices (VT <0 always)
A negative VT means that the negative voltage we apply must be larger than VT in order to achieve strong inversion. We expect to apply a negative voltage from metal to semiconductor in order to induce the positive charges in the channel. In an n-channel devices A positive value for VT means the applied voltage must be larger than this threshold value to obtain strong inversion and a conducting n channel. We expect to apply a positive voltage to the metal to induce the n channel. (enhancement mode, normally off) A negative VT means that a channel exists at V=0 due to the Фms and Qi effects. We must apply a negative voltage VT to turn the device off. (depletion mode, normally on) Since lightly doped substrates are desirable to maintain a high breakdown voltage for the drain junction, VT will be negative for n-channel devices made by standard processing.

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