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Craig Flanery, AAUP Jane Patton, Vice President, ASCCC

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Presentation on theme: "Craig Flanery, AAUP Jane Patton, Vice President, ASCCC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Craig Flanery, AAUP Jane Patton, Vice President, ASCCC
Building Alliances Craig Flanery, AAUP Jane Patton, Vice President, ASCCC Jane will introduce topic & speakers. Will point to the alliance between ASCCC and AAUP. Craig will explain our agreement. Spring 2007 ASCCC Plenary Session

2 Preview Why? With whom? How? Cautions Resources Yeah, but. . .

3 Scenario

4 Why do senates need alliances?
To increase local influence To increase statewide influence Before showing the bullets, ask the audience for their answer.

5 Alliances inside the college
With whom do we want alliances? With whom do we already have alliances? How strong are the alliances & for which issues are they useful?

6 Alliances with. . . Other faculty groups Students Administrators Staff
Trustees Others

7 Alliances outside the college
With whom do we want alliances? With whom do we already have alliances? How strong are the alliances & for which issues are they useful?

8 Alliances with. . . AAUP The community The Academic Senate
Others (media, universities, schools)

9 Strategies How to reach out How to get senators to participate
How to sustain alliances Cautions; land mines

10 Resources AAUP ASCCC People
Developing A Model for Effective Senate/Union Relations (1996 paper Exec committee People

11 Yeah, but. . .

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