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Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes

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Presentation on theme: "Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 PowerPoint Outline 1: PowerPoint Notes (delete before presentation) 2: PowerPoint Customization (delete before presentation) 3: Intro Slide 4: Objectives (customize before presentation) 5: What is STAAR Readiness? 6: The Student Account (project video or model your student account) 7: Tips to Learn as Much as Possible! (introduced in video) 8: Learning Goals & Expectations 9: Incentives 10: Utilizing Notebooks (introduced in video) 11: Behavioral Expectations 12: Procedural Expectations 13: Log in! Teacher Notes Web pages are accessible if viewing this slide in presenter view. They are copied below for ease of reference: presenter view ( notes pages ( There are Teacher Notes for each slide. Use presenter view to view these as you present or print notes pages for easy reference. Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 1 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

2 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Customizing the Powerpoint You can hide, delete, or add slides to this presentation to best match your classroom use of the program. This presentation does not have to be completed in one sitting. Do what works best for your class! Right click any slide to see this menu. Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 2 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

3 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes This slide can be projected as students enter the classroom. Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

4 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher, add in your objectives for today. Consult the Notes tab below for examples that align to the entire presentation. Input objective here. Teacher Notes Teachers, edit this slide to match your objectives for today. You may wish to spread these introductory activities over several days, depending on student age and how you’ll be using the program. Or, you may wish to discuss it all in one sitting! Example Objectives: Day 1: Introduce the program Understand how to use your Reasoning Mind account Find out how to see my accomplishments, progress, and areas to focus on See how this program will help you master math (and tips for how you can learn as much as possible!) Day 2: Goals and expectations Understand your individual goals and our class goal Connect Reasoning Mind accomplishments to our big math goals for the year Hear about our fun incentives and ways to show off your Reasoning Mind accomplishments Discuss our behavior expectations while using the program and consequences for not following them Day 3: Teach, model, and practice procedures Discuss and practice steps for: Getting started and exiting Materials management (pencils, headphones, notebooks) Restroom breaks Technology troubleshooting Getting help and when to involve me (the teacher) Discuss consequences for breaking procedures Day 4: Log in! Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 4 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

5 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes Example Script 1. Math program to help you become a problem solver! 2. You will use a computer So you can work at your own speed It’s like having a teacher all to yourself You can log in from home or the library! 3. I will be able to see all of the answers you enter into the computer program, so I can… See what topics the class could use more practice on Figure out the best way to help you master math goals this year 4. You’ll be using the computers in the… [Teachers, describe your implementation centers? In the lab as a class? On classroom computers as early finisher work?...] 5. While you’re working through problems on the computer, I will be…[Teacher, describe your implementation model...pulling some students to work one-on-one or in groups? Walking around to help you if you get stuck? Leading another center and checking on your work later?] Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 5 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

6 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes Option 1: Project Video Maximize the Student Account Introduction Video ( to full screen Ensure students are able to hear the audio Option 2: Project and Model Student Account Before Modeling: Open the Student Account Modeling Checklist ( Follow the instructions at the top of the checklist to assign work to your student account that will allow you to hit important elements of the program. Double check that your student account login and password are working properly. Print the checklist. During Modeling: Utilize and customize the Student Account Modeling Checklist ( Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 6 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

7 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Learn actively: Listen closely, engage throughout the lesson, and constantly check that you understand Show what you learned: Take time to read and work out all steps of the problem. Double check that you input your answer correctly. Practice, practice, practice: The more problems you solve (correctly and incorrectly!), the more you’ll understand. Pay attention when you get a problem wrong: We learn when we study our mistakes. Pay close attention to the solution , and you’ll be more likely you get the next question right! Give it your very best: With hard work, you will master mathematics! Teacher Notes ** Note this slide has animations that are triggered by clicking the mouse. ** 1. Discuss practical ways to Learn Actively (for example, reading the solution if the answer was correct but was a guess, using resources, re-reading, pausing to refocus or any other strategies that help students understand and learn independently). 2. Show what you learned - Ask students if they’ve ever made mistakes in their math work because they were working too quickly or had the right answer in their scratch work, but marked the wrong answer choice? 3. Connect Practice, Practice, Practice to other things they may be involved in (for example, basketball or gymnastics) and how it impacts performance. 4. Discuss strategies for paying attention to the solution (for example, carefully answering the questions in the solution, correcting work in a notebook, or writing things down to remember) 5. Give it your very best. Ask students how many believe that ‘some people are just good in math, and some people aren’t.’ Discuss how hard work and practice can make any student succeed in math! And that this program will help them do so! Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 7 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

8 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes Depending on your implementation plan, you may want to select a few of these types of goals (Individual goals or collective class goals) to motivate students to work toward mastery: Accuracy or Problems Correct goals per standard Points goals Standard mastery goals (making the target tiles turn green or filling in all stars) Pacing goals (for example, TEKS Tracker tiles completed) Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 8 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

9 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes Incentives may motivate students to work hard on their Reasoning Mind work.  You might consider: Physical incentives (for example, a treasure box or certificates) Non-physical incentives (for example, homework pass) Displaying accomplishments (for example, a wall of fame or sticker chart) Responsibilities Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 9 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

10 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes We recommend having students utilize notebooks to work through problems and take notes. If you will have students use notebooks, discuss your expectations here. Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 10 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

11 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes In implementing a blended learning program that utilizes computers, you will want to consider and discuss the following: Appropriate noise level? Appropriate interactions with students? With teacher?   Appropriate movement? (for example, can students get out of their seat without permission or lean chair back? Expectations for materials and property? (for example, not pulling off keyboard keys or ripping notebooks) What are the consequences for following behavioral expectations? For not following them? Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 11 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

12 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes In implementing a blended learning program that utilizes computers, you will want to consider and discuss the following: How to get started (entering workspace and logging in) How to handle technology troubleshooting (for example, refreshing or reopening the web page or restarting the computer) How to handle questions and when to involve the teacher (for example, ‘3 before me’ frameworks or always involving the teacher if miss a problem in two rounds of problem practice) How to prepare the workspace with sharpened pencil, their notebook, and headphones How to handle a broken or dulled pencil How to handle the need for the restroom How to finish up (logging out and exiting workspace) Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 12 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

13 Introduce Students to STAAR Readiness 6-8 Powerpoint Notes
2/28/2019 Teacher Notes Even if your implementation plan does not include whole class use, consider logging in as a class for the first day. Assist with questions. Consider debriefing this first session with students. Questions that may help develop a productive student mindset toward the program: What was your proudest moment during today’s class? Did anyone make a mistake? What happened after you missed the problem? Who can tell me one way to get help in your account if you’re stuck on a problem? What are you most excited about in using Reasoning Mind this year? Launch Reasoning Mind STAAR 6-8 | 13 Reasoning Mind STAAR Readiness

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