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Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise

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1 Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise
BTEC Sport Level 2 Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise Learning Aim A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training. Topic A.5 & A.6: Principles of training

2 Connector: How many principles of training are there
Connector: How many principles of training are there? (can you explain each one)

3 Learning Objectives: All: Will know the principles of training.
Most: Will be able to apply the basic principles to a training programme. Some: Will be able to apply all principles to a training programme.

4 Information gathering………
Around the room you will find the definitions of all of the principles of training. Task 1: You will move around the classroom and transfer the information onto your sheets. Can you write it in your own words to show you understand the definition? For the F/H groups you can use the more detailed information so they have to come up with their own definition. For the S band you can just place the definitions, or both.

5 Once finished……………………..
Swap your sheet with the person next to you. Are their definitions correct? If not what do they need to add or change?

6 Now to apply these principles……..
Watch the video (first 3 mins) This video shows some of the principles of training applied to a method of training (Plyometrics)

7 Task In groups of 4 you will be given a method of training sheet.
1) As group decide on a sports person. 2) Now design a training programme for that sports person using the method of training you have been given. What will they do? When? How hard? 3) Can you apply all of the principles of training……….. (please write how you have done this on the sheet)

8 How’d your group do? You are now going to share your training programme with the other group that has the same method of training. Feedback: Did they apply all of the principles of training? What did you like about their programme? How can they improve it?

9 Review – In Pairs Complete the wordsearch
Can you explain each (without looking at your sheet) Which ones are missing?

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