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Revision lessons.

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1 Revision lessons

2 Lesson 1 Teacher provides a range of questions that cover different aspects of the topic. Students choose to focus on the questions they think they need to practice most.




6 Question wall: Students post (using post it) the questions they want further help with. Powerful AfL: may suggest where to focus further revision.

7 Lesson 2 Students are asked to think around the topic and design a mind map/revision sheet to aid them with their revision.  

8 KS 3

9 Yr 12 AS level Maths

10 Y13 Yr 13 A2 Maths

11 Yr 12 Further Maths

12 Lesson 3 Questions are written on three different colours of card; red, amber and green, where green are the least challenging and red are the most.  The cards are cut up with one question on each, and pupils are told to try some of the green cards to begin with, however to move on to amber and then red as quickly as they feel ready to do so. 

13 Red & Green

14 Lesson 4 I had 6 folders on 6 desks each with a question on the front. A pile of blank sheets for students to do their answers on was on each desk too. Each table had 4 students at it. They were given 6 minutes to answer each question and then they put their named answer sheets inside the folder. After 6 minutes the students all rotated to the next table. … continued

15 Once all students had answered all the questions they had returned to the table they started at. They were given the mark scheme to the question on their table and between them they marked the answer sheets inside the folder. When all the questions had been marked each student collected all their questions. We then had a discussion about how marks were allocated.

16 Now for something completely different…

17 Lesson 5 Students were given the task of designing a revision activity on their i-Pads that could be projected via the Apple TV.

18 Some students decided to design 'who wants to be a millionaire ' multiple choice quizzes and others designed a revision lesson PowerPoint that was shared with the group.


20 One student did not have her iPad so she designed a snakes and ladders game, with revision style questions included.


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