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Lesson 20 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 20 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 20 Vocabulary

2 Corps A group A corps of people picked up litter.

3 Interpreter A person who translates different languages
Sacajawea was an interpreter.

4 Supplies Important things people need
What supplies would you bring with you on a camping trip?

5 Territory Land area I have a fence around territory I own.

6 Proposed Suggested I proposed having a chocolate cake instead of vanilla for my birthday.

7 Duty Job or responsibility It is your duty to work hard at school.

8 Accompany To go with Will you accompany me to the mall?

9 Route Path or way I take the same route to school everyday.

10 Landmark Important place
The sculpture park is an important landmark in Des Moines.

11 Clumsy Awkward I fell down because I am clumsy.

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