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Red Kayak Vocabulary Words

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1 Red Kayak Vocabulary Words
Fifth Grade Unit 1 Week 1

2 Words to Know minute compressions grumbled neutral insistently
normally intentionally rapidly patiently triumphantly nervously aggressively

3 regularly or usually the case
compressions grumbled insistently intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively normally regularly or usually the case

4 the act of pressing something together
compressions grumbled insistently intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively compressions the act of pressing something together

5 repeatedly; steadily insistently compressions grumbled insistently
intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively insistently repeatedly; steadily

6 very small minute compressions grumbled insistently intentionally
neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively minute very small

7 grumbled complained compressions grumbled insistently intentionally
minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively grumbled complained

8 nonworking position of gears in a vehicle
compressions grumbled insistently intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively neutral nonworking position of gears in a vehicle

9 on purpose intentionally compressions grumbled insistently
minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively intentionally on purpose

10 quickly rapidly compressions grumbled insistently intentionally minute
neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively rapidly quickly

11 forceful; using force aggressively compressions grumbled insistently
intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively aggressively forceful; using force

12 anxious; worried nervously compressions grumbled insistently
intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively nervously anxious; worried

13 victoriously triumphantly compressions grumbled insistently
intentionally minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively triumphantly victoriously

14 calmly patiently compressions grumbled insistently intentionally
minute neutral normally rapidly triumphantly patiently nervously aggressively patiently calmly

15 Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The basketball player intentionally elbowed his opponent. on purpose accidently

16 never usually Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
Marcus normally eats breakfast before school. never usually

17 squeezing together pulling apart
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? After several compressions with my foot, the leaves were pushed down. squeezing together pulling apart

18 complimented complained
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The boy grumbled when he didn’t get to go first in the game complimented complained

19 large very small Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The tear in the dress was minute, but she could still see it. large very small

20 repeatedly loudly Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The puppy howled insistently to be put on the bed. repeatedly loudly

21 gears in a reverse position gears in a not-moving position
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? I put the car in neutral so it wouldn’t roll down the hill. gears in a reverse position gears in a not-moving position

22 You’ve got it!

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