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The signification process applied during an Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of a Global Network dedicated to improving the life of vulnerable children Goele.

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Presentation on theme: "The signification process applied during an Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of a Global Network dedicated to improving the life of vulnerable children Goele."— Presentation transcript:

1 The signification process applied during an Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of a Global Network dedicated to improving the life of vulnerable children Goele Scheers EES-2016 Conference Maastricht Using the signification process of SenseMaker to enrich Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting 30 Sept 2016 14:15h-15:45h Room 2.7 Add picture children?

2 Family for Every Child is a global alliance of national civil society organisations working together to mobilise knowledge, skills and resources to build a world where every child grows up in a permanent, safe and caring family, and to provide quality alternative care where needed

3 Outcome Harvesting for Family for Every Child
OH Evaluation: outcomes Integrate OH into the M&E system of the network

4 6 OH steps applied to Family for Every Child
1. Design the Harvest 2. Review documentation and draft outcomes 3. Engage network members, board and staff 6. Support use of findings and make strategic decisions 5. Substantiation 4. Analyse and interpret

5 Harvesting the outcomes
Outcomes were gathered during focus groups with secretariat staff, board and members  95 outcomes

6 Harvesting the outcomes

7 Example of an external outcome from Family
Outcome description: In June 2015, The Ministry of Women and Child Development of India invited Butterflies (Family’s Indian member) to lead the Foster Care Committee in developing guidelines, training modules and monitoring tools on foster care and included their contribution in the Foster Care guidelines that were launched in October Significance: This was a key moment in the development of state policy and guidance in India, when not only international NGOs and experts, but also national NGOs, including Butterflies were asked to contribute. Previously, there had been piecemeal and patchy development of foster care in India, led by internationally supported NGOs, but not strongly or consistently coordinated by the government. Contribution: The exposure of Butterflies to foster care through its membership of Family enabled it to respond to a request it received from its government, and thereby make a significant contribution to the government’s development of policy and guidance for foster care providers. Butterflies was able to respond within tight deadlines because of the help of network members finding and sharing with them the policy and practice examples from various countries. Network contribution can be secretariat as well as members, board, etc

8 Harvesting the outcomes

9 Tagging of outcomes: Nature of the outcome

10 Tagging of outcomes: Significance

11 Tagging of outcomes: Contribution

12 Tagging of outcomes: Effects of the outcomes

13 Analysis: triad

14 Analysis/Triads filtered

15 Analysis: contribution dyad

16 Analysis: Dyad filtered
CONTRIBUTION OF THE NETWORK Internal outcomes 68% External outcomes 10 outcomes 14 outcomes Change has happened without influence of the network Change only happened because of the interventions of the network

17 Analysis: dyads filtered

18 Analysis: useless triad
Better Outcomes Children 55% STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Example where the triad was not useful 37% 8% Governance Membership Income

19 Tagging of outcomes: Significance

20 Tagging of outcomes: Contribution

21 Tagging of outcomes: Effects of the outcomes

22 Analysis: triad

23 Analysis/Triads filtered

24 Analysis: contribution dyad

25 Analysis: Dyad filtered
CONTRIBUTION OF THE NETWORK Internal outcomes 68% External outcomes 10 outcomes 14 outcomes Change has happened without influence of the network Change only happened because of the interventions of the network

26 Analysis: dyads filtered

27 Analysis: useless triad
Better Outcomes Children 55% STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Example where the triad was not useful 37% 8% Governance Membership Income

28 Reflections on Sensemaker for OH - Strenghts
COLLECTIVE SIGNIFICATION Stimulates discussion and joint reflection during harvesting Common understanding about program, outcomes and the role of the implementer Triads are easy to understand, useful, possibility to make nuances ANALYSIS More depth, new layers of meaning/connections Easy visualization of patterns Change agents can relate to the analysis

29 Reflections on Sensemaker for OH - Strenghts
SUPPORTING USE OF FINDINGS Feedback of the results of the OH evaluation Further collective sensemaking on the outcomes Generate actionable insights

30 Reflections on Sensemaker for OH - Challenges
Three corners need to be well-defined Triads have to be connected to the use and the evaluation questions Need to have a substantial amount of outcomes

31 Thank you! Goele Scheers Independent consultant

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