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‘Shifting the power’ – delivering choice and control through redesign

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Presentation on theme: "‘Shifting the power’ – delivering choice and control through redesign"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Shifting the power’ – delivering choice and control through redesign
Les Billingham – Assistant Director of Adult Social Care and Community Development Ceri Armstrong – Health and Social Care Development Manager

2 How do we use the challenges we face to make things better?

3 Start with an open conversation…
Offer real choice Build a diverse market Ensure the power shifts to the person Place-based solutions Keep bureaucracy to a minimum Focus on strengths Deliver outcomes not process

4 Our approach Stronger Communities Built Environment
Led by VCS Focusing on the strengths and assets held by communities and individuals Local Area Coordination, Community Hubs, Social Prescribing ‘What’s Strong’ rather than ‘What’s Wrong’ Stronger Communities HAPPI Housing Schemes Specialist housing for adults with learning disabilities Influencing planning and development across the Borough New residential care facility Built Environment Case for change – for system redesign (tested in one part of the Borough) Integrated approach – e.g. single point of access Better Care Fund = totality of health and social care budget for older people (£40m+) Development of an Alliance Health and Care System

5 Example - Reimagining Homecare

6 Example – Community-Led Support

7 Example – Micro Enterprises
18 months… Over 100 referrals 52+ micros 300 people using 32 jobs created Real choice

8 The impact of the change we’re making
Reduced isolation increased connectivity Majority of support close to where people live The ‘system’ treats people as ‘individuals’ – not by condition People take responsibility for their own health Support and care is provided at ‘right place and right time’ The ‘system’ focuses on solutions

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