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Plural Rules Part One By Brian Carruthers.

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1 Plural Rules Part One By Brian Carruthers

2 Plural Rule 1 Most words add ‘s’ to make the plural.
one apple two apples desk → desks month → months book → books train → trains pen → pens name → names shop → shops friend → friends chair → chairs teacher →teachers

3 Try these… pencil → road → flower → girl → plant → window → door →
cake → banana → shoe →

4 Plural Rule 2 Add ‘es’ to words ending in ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘s’, ‘ss’, ‘x’ or ‘z’ to make the plural. one box many boxes wish → wishes beach → beaches cross → crosses waltz → waltzes bus → buses church → churches dish → dishes loss → losses fox → foxes bunch → bunches

5 Try these… watch → pitch → wax → class → gas → glass → dress → bush →
hutch → quiz → quizzes

6 Plural Rule 3 When the letter before a ‘y’ is a consonant, change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ before adding an ‘es’. one baby two babies city → cities berry → berries pony → ponies family → families reply → replies lady → ladies

7 Try these… daisy → ferry → army → party → fly → diary → cherry →
belly → jelly → filly →

8 Plural Rule 4 When words end in ‘ay’, ‘ey’, ‘iy’, ’oy’, and ‘uy’ add an ‘s’ to make the plural. one donkey two donkeys day → days boy → boys key → keys delay → delays play → plays guy → guys

9 Try these quay → valley → tray → pulley → toy → monkey → trolley →
buoy → relay → holiday →

10 Plural Rule 5 When words end in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ change the ‘f’ or ‘fe’ to a ‘v’ before adding ‘es’. one knife two knives leaf → leaves life → lives half → halves hoof → hooves wife → wives thief → thieves

11 Try these wolf → elf → loaf → self → calf → shelf →
Exceptions → cliffs, chiefs, roofs, dwarfs and handkerchiefs.

12 Plural Rule 6 When a word ends in an ‘o’ and comes after a consonant, add ‘es’ to make the plural. one tomato two tomatoes cargo → cargoes mango → mangoes echo → echoes hero → heroes volcano →volcanoes torpedo→ torpedoes

13 Try these potato → avocado → mosquito → domino → buffalo → dingo →
Exceptions → pianos, banjos, solos, radios and Eskimos.

14 Plural Rules 7 Sometimes a word may completely change its form when a plural is made. one child two children person →people goose → geese man → men woman → women cactus →cacti fungus → fungi

15 Try these tooth → dice → foot → mouse → nucleus → criterion →

16 Plural Rule 8 tuna → tuna trout → trout deer → deer sheep → sheep
Sometimes a word may stay the same in both its singular and plural form. one fish many fish tuna → tuna trout → trout deer → deer sheep → sheep moose moose series → series

17 Try these aircraft → species → offspring → salmon → bream → perch →

18 Recap and Consolidation
The easiest way to learn how to spell a word is to practise! Practise! Practise! Spelling rules are helpful but practice makes perfect. Once you learn how to spell a word you will not forget how to spell it as long as you practise! Practise! Practice!

19 So what did you think of that?

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