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Caesar Act 2.

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1 Caesar Act 2

2 Finish writing on speech 1 (Cassius) Start Act 2!
Agenda Finish writing on speech 1 (Cassius) Start Act 2! DO: Analyze tone to determine theme. HW: Stay current with viewing guide Annotate Brutus’s speech (due tomorrow)

3 Act 1 Scene 2 – Cassius’s speech

4 On Friday, we discussed the prompt, and you planned out your essay
Writing Practice On Friday, we discussed the prompt, and you planned out your essay You should have your first piece of evidence written out

5 Start Outline 1.) Thesis statement: In the play Julius Caesar, Cassius uses ____[DIDLS]____ to create a _____________ tone towards __[subject]___ proving___________________. Put together everything you guys have talked about! In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Cassius uses complaining diction and contrasting details to create a bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes.

6 2.) Provide context for speech
Since there’s no mention here of Cassius wanting to kill Caesar, that shouldn’t be in your context! Stick with just what is written here What is happening in this excerpt Focus just on what you know from here Who is talking to who? Is there a problem? If so, what is it? What’s the topic he discusses? Ex: Cassius is talking with Brutus and is describing his problems with how high Caesar has been elevated recently. While the crowds cheer in the distance, Cassius describes all the ways he is just as good as Caesar, yet Caesar still gets more recognition.

7 3.) Lead-in and quotation 1 using transition + context + speaker, “…,” (Citation).
Use TCS – transition, context, speaker Paraphrase what immediately precedes your evidence After describing how he saved Caesar from drowning, Cassius complains, “And this man/ Is now become a god, and Cassius is/ A wretched creature and must bend his body/ If Caesar carelessly but nod on him” (38-42).

8 4.) Analyze evidence (2-3 sentences) – Explain how the device is used at this moment in the piece? How does this device convey the tone? HOW does this TONE help the reader understand the author’s theme/message? Explain. First, explain the DIDLS (use it by name) Ex: Cassius uses complaining diction when he describes himself as “wretched” because the negative connation of wretched conveys that Cassius views himself as bad and lower than Caesar, which he does not like. Then, explain the tone Ex: As a result, Cassius is bitter because he focuses on complaining about his status, and uses negative words like “must bend” to show that he cannot fight back against this lower status, which further enrages him and brings out his bitterness. THEN explain the theme Ex: As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveal what jealousy does to a person, and how it festers inside of them until they do something to deal with it.

9 5.) Lead-in and quotation 2 using transition + context + speaker, “…,” (Citation).
Make sure you transition to this next piece of evidence!!! Use TCS – transition, context, speaker Paraphrase what immediately precedes your evidence Furthermore, Cassius describes how Caesar is now as big as a Colossus, but he doesn’t have to be: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars/ But in ourselves, that we are underlings./ Brutus and Caesar—what should be in that “Caesar”?/ Why should that name be sounded more than yours?” (63-66).

10 6.) Analyze evidence (2-3 sentences) – Explain how the device is used at this moment in the piece? How does this device convey the tone? HOW does this TONE help the reader understand the author’s theme/message? Explain. First, explain the DIDLS (use it by name) Ex: Cassius uses contrasting details to emphasize that Cassius and Brutus are just as worthy as Caesar. By stating “The fault… is not in our stars/But in our selves, that we are underlings” emphasizes that nothing is stopping them from being equal to Caesar except that they allow it. By illustrating that their names should be sounded the same, Cassius focuses on these contrasting details to show their circumstances are related. Then, explain the tone Ex: Through these juxtaposed details, Cassius’s bitterness is displayed due to his perceived equality with Caesar, but his reality that he is lower than him THEN explain the theme Ex: As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveals that perceived inequality breeds resentment and jealousy, and causes a relationship to turn toxic.

11 7.) Concluding statement – Wrap up, restate main idea
Restate your thesis Use a concluding transition As a result/ in conclusion/ therefore Therefore, Cassius’s use of complaining diction and contrasting details reveals his bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes.

12 All together! In the play Julius Caesar, Cassius uses complaining diction and contrasting details to create a bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes. Cassius is talking with Brutus and is describing his problems with how high Caesar has been elevated recently. While the crowds cheer in the distance, Cassius describes all the ways he is just as good as Caesar, yet Caesar still gets more recognition. After describing how he saved Caesar from drowning, Cassius complains, “And this man/ Is now become a god, and Cassius is/ A wretched creature and must bend his body/ If Caesar carelessly but nod on him” (38- 42). Cassius uses complaining diction when he describes himself as “wretched” because the negative connation of wretched conveys that Cassius views himself as bad and lower than Caesar, which he does not like. As a result, Cassius is bitter because he focuses on complaining about his status, and uses negative words like “must bend” to show that he cannot fight back against this lower status, which further enrages him and brings out his bitterness. As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveal what jealousy does to a person, and how it festers inside of them until they do something to deal with it. Furthermore, Cassius describes how Caesar is now as big as a Colossus, but he doesn’t have to be: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars/ But in ourselves, that we are underlings./ Brutus and Caesar—what should be in that “Caesar”?/ Why should that name be sounded more than yours?” (63-66). Cassius uses contrasting details to emphasize that Cassius and Brutus are just as worthy as Caesar. By stating “The fault… is not in our stars/But in our selves, that we are underlings” emphasizes that nothing is stopping them from being equal to Caesar except that they allow it. By illustrating that their names should be sounded the same, Cassius focuses on these contrasting details to show their circumstances are related. Through these juxtaposed details, Cassius’s bitterness is displayed due to his perceived equality with Caesar, but his reality that he is lower than him. As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveals that perceived inequality breeds resentment and jealousy, and causes a relationship to turn toxic. Therefore, Cassius’s use of Cassius uses complaining diction and contrasting details reveals his bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes.

13 This is what your Benchmark 3 will look like
Moving forward This is what your Benchmark 3 will look like Keep working, and feel free to come in after school for extra help if you want

14 Act 2

15 Recap: What has happened so far in Act 1?

16 Act 1

17 Act 2 Scene 1 Brutus anxiously ponders joining the conspiracy against Caesar. When he is brought one of the unsigned letters that Cassius has had left for him to find, Brutus decides to act. Visited by the conspirators, he agrees to join them but rejects their plan to kill Mark Antony as well as Caesar. When the other conspirators have left, Portia, Brutus’s wife, begs of him an explanation for his sudden change of mood. Brutus, joined by Caius Ligarius, departs for Caesar’s. (Folger edition)

18 Stop and think How do the men feel about their actions?
Are they betraying Rome by killing Caesar? Or saving it? Why is understanding their attitude so important to understanding whether or not they are acting correctly? (or morally)

19 Analyze brooding Brutus
Agenda Analyze brooding Brutus Squad writing Independent writing DO: Analyze tone to determine theme. HW: Finish Brutus analysis (if you didn’t in class)

20 Recap! What has happened so far in Act 2?





25 Brutus’s brooding speech
We will be writing about Brutus’s speech in 2 sections today: Part 1 – squad writing Part 2 – on your own To get started, decide with your partners What subject Brutus is talking about His tone (attitude) towards it The resulting theme (what does this reveal about humanity/how people think/behave)

26 Squad writing Together, you will analyze ONE piece of evidence
Then, you will independently analyze the second piece of evidence This 2nd piece of evidence is getting turned in for a grade.

27 Squad roles Context specialist – in charge of writing context and ensuring that TCS is followed DIDLS maven – in charge of identifying and explaining DIDLS Tone expert – in charge of analyzing tone through DIDLS Theme guru – explain thematic connection Specificity checker – double check that “this shows that” doesn’t show up Thesis minder – ensures that the same language in the thesis shows up in the analysis

28 A note on imagery Remember, imagery MUST include sensory details
Visual – colors, patterns, etc. Auditory – sounds, etc. Olfactory – smells, etc. Gustatory – tastes, etc. Tactile – how things feel, texture, etc. Just because he describes something, doesn’t mean it’s imagery Consider using diction or details for that

29 Caesar’s a snake – NOT IMAGERY!!!
And therefore think him as a serpent’s egg—/ Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous—/ And kill him in the shell. No imagery!!! But he is compared to an animal Animal diction/details Serpentine (snake) diction/details Disparaging (dissing) diction/details Etc. Remember, diction refers to if these are positive or negative WORDS Details refers to the subject matter

30 Start Outline 1.) Thesis statement: In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus uses ____[DIDLS]____ to create a _____________ tone towards __[subject]___ proving___________________. Put together everything you guys have talked about! In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Cassius uses complaining diction and contrasting details to create a bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes.

31 2.) Provide context for speech
What is happening in this excerpt Focus just on what you know from here Who is talking to who? (if he’s alone, say that!) Is there a problem? If so, what is it? What’s the topic he discusses? Ex: Cassius is talking with Brutus and is describing his problems with how high Caesar has been elevated recently. While the crowds cheer in the distance, Cassius describes all the ways he is just as good as Caesar, yet Caesar still gets more recognition.

32 3.) Lead-in and quotation 1 using transition + context + speaker, “…,” (Citation).
Use TCS – transition, context, speaker Paraphrase what immediately precedes your evidence After describing how he saved Caesar from drowning, Cassius complains, “And this man/ Is now become a god, and Cassius is/ A wretched creature and must bend his body/ If Caesar carelessly but nod on him” (38-42).

33 4.) Analyze evidence (2-3 sentences) – Explain how the device is used at this moment in the piece? How does this device convey the tone? HOW does this TONE help the reader understand the author’s theme/message? Explain. First, explain the DIDLS (use it by name) Ex: Cassius uses complaining diction when he describes himself as “wretched” because the negative connation of wretched conveys that Cassius views himself as bad and lower than Caesar, which he does not like. Then, explain the tone Ex: As a result, Cassius is bitter because he focuses on complaining about his status, and uses negative words like “must bend” to show that he cannot fight back against this lower status, which further enrages him and brings out his bitterness. THEN explain the theme Ex: As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveal what jealousy does to a person, and how it festers inside of them until they do something to deal with it.

34 Use the same thesis statement as your group!
Now on your own!!! Use the same thesis statement as your group! Analyze a DIFFERENT piece of evidence

35 Start Outline 1.) Thesis statement: In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus uses ____[DIDLS]____ to create a _____________ tone towards __[subject]___ proving___________________. Put together everything you guys have talked about! In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Cassius uses complaining diction and contrasting details to create a bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes.

36 2.) Provide context for speech
What is happening in this excerpt Focus just on what you know from here Who is talking to who? (if he’s alone, say that!) Is there a problem? If so, what is it? What’s the topic he discusses? Ex: Cassius is talking with Brutus and is describing his problems with how high Caesar has been elevated recently. While the crowds cheer in the distance, Cassius describes all the ways he is just as good as Caesar, yet Caesar still gets more recognition.

37 3.) Lead-in and quotation 1 using transition + context + speaker, “…,” (Citation).
Use TCS – transition, context, speaker Paraphrase what immediately precedes your evidence After describing how he saved Caesar from drowning, Cassius complains, “And this man/ Is now become a god, and Cassius is/ A wretched creature and must bend his body/ If Caesar carelessly but nod on him” (38-42).

38 4.) Analyze evidence (2-3 sentences) – Explain how the device is used at this moment in the piece? How does this device convey the tone? HOW does this TONE help the reader understand the author’s theme/message? Explain. First, explain the DIDLS (use it by name) Ex: Cassius uses complaining diction when he describes himself as “wretched” because the negative connation of wretched conveys that Cassius views himself as bad and lower than Caesar, which he does not like. Then, explain the tone Ex: As a result, Cassius is bitter because he focuses on complaining about his status, and uses negative words like “must bend” to show that he cannot fight back against this lower status, which further enrages him and brings out his bitterness. THEN explain the theme Ex: As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveal what jealousy does to a person, and how it festers inside of them until they do something to deal with it.

39 7.) Concluding statement – Wrap up, restate main idea
Restate your thesis Use a concluding transition As a result/ in conclusion/ therefore Therefore, Cassius’s use of complaining diction and contrasting details reveals his bitter tone towards Caesar proving that jealousy, when it festers, leads to negative outcomes.

40 Recap – Act 2 Scene 1 What are Brutus’s concerns?
What do the conspirators fight over? What do they agree to?

41 Keep watching Act 2 Scene 1!
What is Portia worried about?



44 Act 2 Scene 2 It is now the fifteenth of March. Calphurnia, Caesar’s wife, persuades him to stay home because she fears for his safety. Decius Brutus, arriving to accompany Caesar to the Capitol, convinces him that the senators plan to crown Caesar that day but that they may never renew their offer should they suspect he is afraid. Caesar changes his mind and decides to go. He is joined by Brutus and the rest of the conspirators, as well as by Marc Antony.

45 No Fear Caesar Why is Caesar determined not to be cowed (called a coward)?



48 Act 2 Scene 3 Artemidorus waits in the street for Caesar in order to give him a letter warning him of the conspiracy.

49 Not in the movie version – Act 2 Scene 4
Portia, who has been told of the conspirators’ plan to kill Caesar, waits anxiously for news of their success. She meets the soothsayer, who still fears for Caesar and wants to warn him.

50 Texting assignment!!

51 Texting assignment instructions
Pick a section of dialogue from either Act 1 or Act 2 Write it out as a text message (can be a group chat) Focus on Important details Connotation Overall gist of the scene

52 Example with Act 1 Scene 1 Scene needs at least 2 people
At least 10 texts Include significant moments

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