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The Gospel is for all………

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1 The Gospel is for all………
God’s plan is clear, plain, and simple………and never changing! Gary Holderby Oct 2015

2 73,594 # of pages in US Tax Code (growing at 3% per year-2,207 pages)
???? # of federal law/statutes on the books (2013) -37,000 pages ; >50 volumes (just federal crimes) 3000/ # of new laws/regulations enacted each year US & territories ????? State Laws and regulations (civil, criminal, commerce, tax, funding) ????? County Laws and regulations (tax, building, civil) ????? City Laws and regulations (codes, traffic, zoning, tax) ????? Workplace, schools, neighborhoods (behavior, ethics, enrollment) Yet….318,000,000 people are expected to know, understand, and abide..

3 God’s Plan is Simple (Psalms 19:7)
1 Cor. 2:1-2 “for I determined not to know anything among you except for Jesus Christ and him crucified…” God’s Word is: Able to be understood (Eph 3:4) Inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16) Unchanging (Heb 13:8) Able to save (Rom 1:16) Complete (2 Pet 1:3) Made known/revealed (Eph 1:8) As His creation, we are accountable for understanding (Rom 1:18-23)

4 God’s Plan is Clear: Eph. 1:3-14
Every spiritual blessing “IN” Christ vs 3 Chosen “IN” Him vs 4 To be accomplished “IN” love vs 4 Adopted as children “THRU” Son vs 5 Made accepted “IN” the Beloved vs 6 Redemption “IN” Him vs 7 Forgiveness “THRU” His blood vs 7 All things will gather as one “IN” Christ vs 10 Inheritance “IN” Him vs 11 Word of truth/salvation is “IN” Him vs 13 Holy Spirit given as guarantee vs 14

5 Components of God’s Plan (Eph 1; Acts 2)
Established before foundations of the earth Would be thru His Son Redeem man back to Himself Sending of only begotten Son to live and die as a man He would live a perfect and sinless life He would suffer and die as a “perfect” sacrifice for the sins of man He would be raised from the dead and exalted at the right hand of God Forever make intercession for us

6 The Call for our Response to this Plan is Simple
John 3:16 whoever believes upon the Son should not perish Mark 16:16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved John 15 obedience to his commands “thru” love 1 John 1:7 if we walk in the light as He is in the light, the blood Jesus cleanses us from all sin 1 Cor 15:1 this Gospel (Plan) will save us IF we hold fast 2 Tim 4:8 Crown of righteousness reserved for all the faithful Acts 2 – first Gospel Sermon (simple): Jesus, the man, was approved by God, confirmed by signs , wonders You, the Jews, killed Him God raised Him from the grave Now exalted at the right hand of God Simple Response: Repent/Baptized Simple Question: What shall we do? Simple Gospel: Jesus Christ and Him crucified

7 Need for God’s Plan is Simple
Rom 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory Rom 6:23 the wages of sin is death Motivation for God’s Plan is Simple John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son 1 John 4:9 God’s love manifested toward us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live thru Him

8 Christ World Gal 3:26 “baptized INTO Christ…” Forgiveness (Eph 1:7)
Jealousy Torment Envy Strife Murder Liars Malice Wicked Contention Anger Darkness Lust Death Immorality Hate Fear Dissension Foolishness - Rom 1 - Col 3 - Gal 5 Life (John 1:4) Justification (Acts 13:38) Salvation (Eph 1:13) Unity (Eph 4:13) Joy (Rom 15:13) Comfort (2 Cor 1:5) Peace (Rom 5:1) Love (1 John 4:18; John 15) Hope (1 Tim 1:1; Eph 4:4) Strength 2 Cor 12:9) Light (John 4:4; 8:12) Contentment (Phil 4:11) Inheritance (Eph 1:11) Glory (Rom 8:30) Perfection (Col 1:28) Faith (Acts 3;16) Great Reward (Heb 10:35) Gal 3:26 “baptized INTO Christ…”

9 Where are you? In Christ? or Outside?

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