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Presentation on theme: "OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION"— Presentation transcript:

1. Introduction (1:1-20) 2. Messages to Seven Churches (2:1-3:22) 3. Seals to reveal (4:1-8:6) 4. Trumpets to warn (8:7-11:19) 5. Spiritual Warfare (12:1-14:5) 6. Bowls of Judgement & Babylon (14:6-18:24) 7. Victory of the King of Kings (19:1-20:6) 8. Final Judgement and Heaven (20:7-22:5) 9. Conclusion & Faithfulness of Revelation (22:6-21)

2 REVELATION Source of Revelation (1:1-3)
Jesus, the Christ’s revelation Revelation – apokalypsis Unveiling or uncovering Making God’s will know whether present of future (Lk. 2:32; Rom. 16:25; Eph. 3:5) Revelation = word of God To Bond-servants God to Christ for bond-servants GodChristAngelJohn Bond-servants

3 REVELATION Source of Revelation (1:1-3)
Revelation of things shortly to come to pass (Rev. 1:1; 22:6) Recipients point of view = soon Tachei - Quickly, shortly, soon Lk. 18:8 - speedily Acts 12:7 - quickly Acts 22:18 - quickly Acts 25:4 - shortly Rom. 16:20 - soon 1 Tim. 3:14 - before long

4 REVELATION Source of Revelation (1:1-3)
Take heed, for the time is near Engus - time is near, at hand Rev. 1:3 - time is near Rev. 22:10 - time is near When used to indicate time, it refers to something occurring soon Mt. 24:32, 33 - summer near Mt. 26:18 - my time is at hand Lk. 19:11 - immediately Jn. 2:13; 6:4; 11:55 - Passover at hand Jn. 7:2 - Feast of booths at hand

5 REVELATION Source of Revelation (1:1-3)
Beatitudes in Revelation Beatitude is a declaration of a blessing on someone Blessed may be translated happily fulfilled spiritually

6 REVELATION Source of Revelation (1:1-3)
Seven beatitudes in Revelation Reads & heeds the prophecy (1:3) Die in the Lord (14:13) Stays awake (16:15) Invited to marriage feast (19:9) In first resurrection (20:6) Heeds the words of prophecy (22:7) Washed robes (22:14)

7 REVELATION Salutation 1:4-8
Written to the seven churches of Asia Modern day Turkey Colossae not mentioned Representative of all churches Greetings from Him who was and is to come = God Seven Spirits before the throne = Holy Spirit (Rev. 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) Jesus Christ

8 REVELATION Salutation 1:4-8
Three titles for Christ Faithful witness Firstborn of the dead Ruler of the kings of the earth Two actions of Christ Loves us Released us from our sins by His blood

9 REVELATION Salutation 1:4-8
Results of being released from sins Made us a kingdom of priests Glory to God Recognized His dominion forever and ever

10 REVELATION Salutation 1:4-8
Christ’s return will prove His dominion Every eye will see All the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him Proves He is the Alpha and the Omega Almighty (9 times in Revelation)

11 REVELATION John Receives the Revelation 1:9-10
Your brother Fellow partaker in tribulation & kingdom Written from Island of Patmos Because of the word of God Because of the testimony of Jesus Receive a vision Carry out the great commission Faithful witness banished for his work

12 REVELATION John Receives the Revelation 1:9-10
In the Spirit Spiritual gift of prophecy Rom. 12:6 1 Cor. 12:10, 28; 13:2; 14:1-39 Oral & visual Lord’s day Used only once in New Testament Probably Sunday

13 REVELATION Recipients of Revelation 1:11-16
Seven church of Asia Ephesus Smyrna Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicea


15 SEVEN CHURCHES OF ASIA Laodicea Ephesus Philadelphia Smyrna Sardis
Seven Stars Two-edged sword Laodicea Ephesus Philadelphia Smyrna Sardis Pergamum Thyatira

16 REVELATION Eternal of Son of Man 1:17-18
Divine Son of Man First and last (eternal) Living one Dead but alive forevermore Keys of death and Hades

17 REVELATION Eternal of Son of Man 1:17-18
Meaning of keys of death and Hades Hades- Hebrew word translated to Greek meaning death or grave Place of departed wicked (Lk. 16:23; Rev. 20:13-14) Place of all the dead (Acts 2:27, 31) Keys - authority over

18 REVELATION Write the Mystery 1:19-20
Things you have seen So far seen Things which are Present state of the church Things which will take place after these things Things which are about to take place

19 REVELATION Write the Mystery 1:19-20
Seven stars = angels of the seven churches Angels Occurs 67 times in Revelation Depicting heavenly beings Can be translated messenger (heavenly or not) The text indicates spiritual beings


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