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Chapter 5 Basic Computer Organization and Design
충남대학교 컴퓨터전공 이 철 훈
Chapter 5 Instruction Codes 컴퓨터 구조는 그 컴퓨터가 사용하는 내부 registers, timing and control structure, 그리고 instruction set으로 정의 Instruction code는 컴퓨터로 하여금 특정 operation을 하라고 지시하는 bit group이다 Instruction code = operation code (Opcode) + address part Operation code : operation 을 지정 Address part : operation에 사용될 operand가 있는 주소 Addressing modes Immediate addressing : instruction code 중 address bit들이 operand의 주소가 아니고 operand 그 자체임 direct addressing : operand = M [address] Indirect addressing : operand = M [M [address]] Computer System Architecture 1
Fig. 5-2 Demonstration of direct and indirect address
Chapter 5 Instruction Codes Fig Demonstration of direct and indirect address Computer System Architecture 1
Fig. 5-3 Basic computer registers and memory
Chapter 5 Computer Registers Basic computer registers and memory Fig Basic computer registers and memory Computer System Architecture 1
Fig. 5-4 Basic computer registers connected to a common bus
Chapter 5 Computer Registers Common bus system Computer System Architecture 1 Fig Basic computer registers connected to a common bus
Computer Instructions
Chapter 5 Computer Instructions Basic computer의 3가지 기본 instruction format Computer System Architecture 1
Computer Instructions
Chapter 5 Computer Instructions Basic computer instructions Computer System Architecture 1 Tab Basic computer instructions
Computer Instructions
Chapter 5 Computer Instructions Computer가 다음의 4가지 category에 해당하는 각각의 충분한 instruction들을 가지고 있을 때, 그 instruction set은 complete하다고 한다. 1. arithmetic, logic, and shift instructions 2. instruction for moving information to and from memory and processor registers 3. program control instruction together with instruction that check status conditions input and output instructions Computer System Architecture 1 Tab Basic computer instructions
Tab. 5-2 Basic computer instructions
Chapter 5 Timing and Control Basic computer의 모든 register에 대한 timing은 master clock generator가 제공하는 clock pulse에 의해 control된다. Register 내용은 control signal에 의해 enable되어 있을 경우에만 clock pulse에 의해 바뀐다. Control signal은 control unit에 의해 generate된다. Control unit Hardwired control : control logic이 gate, flip-flop, decoder, 또는 다른 logic circuit으로 구성된다 Microprogrammed control : control 정보가 control memory에 저장 Hardwired control은 속도가 빠른 대신 수정이 어렵다. Computer System Architecture 1 Tab Basic computer instructions
Fig. 5-6 Control unit of basic computer
Chapter 5 Timing and Control Block diagram of control unit Computer System Architecture 1 Fig Control unit of basic computer
Fig. 5-7 Example of control timing signals
Chapter 5 Timing and Control Timing signal : sequence counter는 timing signal을 generate한다. D3T4 : SC ← 0 : D3 = T4 = 1이면, CLR = 1로 하여 SC를 set한다. Fig Example of control timing signals Computer System Architecture 1
Fig. 5-6 Control unit of basic computer
Chapter 5 Instruction Cycles 각 instruction cycle은 다음과 같은 subcycle로 나뉘어 진다. 1. fetch an instruction from memory 2. decode the instruction 3. read the effective address from memory in indirect addressing mode 4. execute the instruction Fetch and Decode T0 : AR ← PC T1 : IR ← M [AR ], PC ← PC + 1 T2 : D0,…, D7 ← decode IR (12 – 14), AR ← IR (0 -11), I ← IR (15) Computer System Architecture 1 Fig Control unit of basic computer
Fig. 5-8 Register transfer for the fetch cycle
Chapter 5 Instruction Cycles Computer System Architecture 1 Fig Register transfer for the fetch cycle
Fig. 5-9 Flowchart for instruction cycle (initial configuration)
Chapter 5 Instruction Cycles Determine the type of instruction D’7IT3 : AR ← M [AR ] D’7I’T3 : Nothing D7I’T3 : Execute a register-transfer instruction D7IT3 : Execute an input-output instruction Computer System Architecture 1 Fig Flowchart for instruction cycle (initial configuration)
Tab. 5-3 Execution of Register-reference instructions
Chapter 5 Instruction Cycles Register-reference instructions Tab Execution of Register-reference instructions Computer System Architecture 1
Memory-Reference Instructions
Chapter 5 Memory-Reference Instructions BSA : Branch and Save Return Address (subroutine call) D5T4 : M [AR ] ← PC, AR ← AR + 1 D5T5 : PC ← AR, SC ← 0 ⇒ indirect BUN instruction at the end of the subroutine performs the function refered to as a subroutine return Fig Example of BSA instruction execution Computer System Architecture 1
Memory-Reference Instructions
Chapter 5 Memory-Reference Instructions Memory-reference instruction control flowchart Fig Flowchart for memory-reference instructions Computer System Architecture 1
Input-Output and Interrupt
Chapter 5 Input-Output and Interrupt Input-output operations Programmed control transfer : inefficient!! Interrupt Flowchart for interrupt cycle (R : interrupt flip-flop) If R = 0 ∗ RT0 : AR ← 0, TR ← PC ∗ RT1 : M [ AR ] ← TR, PC ← 0 ∗ RT2 : PC ← PC + 1, IEN ← 0, R ← 0, SC ← 0 Computer System Architecture 1
Input-Output and Interrupt
Chapter 5 Input-Output and Interrupt Fig Flowchart for interrupt cycle Computer System Architecture 1
Input-Output and Interrupt
Chapter 5 Input-Output and Interrupt Demonstration of the interrupt cycle Fig Demonstration of the interrupt cycle Computer System Architecture 1
Complete Computer Description
Chapter 5 Complete Computer Description Computer System Architecture 1 Fig Flowchart for computer operation
Complete Computer Description
Chapter 5 Complete Computer Description Tab Control function and µInstructions for the Basic computer Computer System Architecture 1
Complete Computer Description
Chapter 5 Complete Computer Description Computer System Architecture 1
Design of Basic Computer
Chapter 5 Design of Basic Computer Control of registers and memory Control logic of AR R’T0 : AR ← PC R’T2 : AR ← IR (0-11) D’7IT3: AR ← M [ AR ] RT0 : AR ← 0 D5T4 : AR ← AR + 1 therefore, LD (AR ) = R’T0 + R’T2 + D’7IT3 CLR (AR ) = RT0 INR (AR ) = D5T4 Memory read operation (symbol ← M [ AR ]) Read = R’T1 + D’0IT3 + (D0 + D1 + D2 + D6)T4 Fig Control gates associated with AR Computer System Architecture 1
Design of Accumulator Logic
Chapter 5 Design of Accumulator Logic Statements and circuits associated with AC Fig Circuits associated with AC Computer System Architecture 1
Design of Accumulator Logic
Chapter 5 Design of Accumulator Logic Control of AC register Fig Gate structure for controlling the LD, INR, and CLR of AC Computer System Architecture 1
Design of Accumulator Logic
Chapter 5 Design of Accumulator Logic Adder and logic circuit Fig One stage of adder and logic circuit Computer System Architecture 1
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